本文选题:四川农地城市流转 + 效率 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The first document of the Central Committee in 2014 gives farmers the right to own, use, benefit, transfer and contract to manage the right to mortgage, security power, indicating that the transfer of agricultural land is an important part of deepening the reform of rural land system. In recent years, the process of urbanization in Sichuan has been speeding up, and the demand for urban construction land has increased dramatically, and a large number of farmland resources need to be transferred to urban construction land. However, due to various reasons, the transfer efficiency of agricultural land cities in Sichuan has not reached the optimal state, so how to improve the transfer efficiency of agricultural land cities is studied. It is of positive practical significance and theoretical value to exchange the minimum loss of farmland resources for maximum regional economic development. Based on production frontier theory, land property right theory, land rent theory, farmland transfer decision theory and Pareto optimal theory, this paper uses literature research method, data envelopment method and stochastic frontier method to study. First, the paper studies the current situation of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan; secondly, measures the efficiency of agricultural land transfer in the region from 2004 to 2012; third, analyzes the factors that affect the efficiency of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan; fourth, puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1: 1. Measurement of the efficiency of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan Province the level of pure technical efficiency of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan is relatively high, and the level of scale efficiency of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan has declined slightly during the period of study, reaching the optimal state for three consecutive years from 2010-2012 to 2012. There is a state of decreasing scale and low efficiency. 3. The overall efficiency of rural land circulation in Sichuan Province is fluctuating and rising, with a small increase range, and still in the general stage of efficiency at the end of the period. There is a large gap in the comprehensive efficiency of farmland transfer between different economic regions. 2. 2. Factors affecting the transfer efficiency of Sichuan Rural Land cities. 1 the trend of the change of the comprehensive efficiency value of Sichuan farmland city circulation is very close to the change trend of its scale efficiency value. It is suggested that the main reason leading to the general efficiency level of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan is that the scale of urban construction land is expanding continuously. 2. Through the optimization analysis of the efficiency of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan, we can know. The input of cultivated land elements is redundant, and the invalid input of cultivated land elements causes a great loss of efficiency in the process of agricultural land transfer. 3 various factors in the social and economic development have varying degrees of positive or negative effects on the rate of agricultural land transfer in Sichuan farmland cities. In the model constructed in this paper, the urbanization rate, GDP per capita, the comparative benefit of land use and the upgrading of regional industrial structure all have significant effects on the transfer efficiency of agricultural land cities. Countermeasures and suggestions .1 standardize the examination and approval procedure of agricultural land circulation, strictly implement the land use planning .2 to control the scale of the city moderately, and limit the population growth to increase the level of agricultural industrialization by .3. Promote the upgrading of industrial structure .4 perfect the market system of agricultural land circulation and innovate the new mode of agricultural land flow
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