[Abstract]:Cultivated land is the source of human food and clothing and an important resource for survival and development. Cultivated land use change and protection have become an important part of land use / land cover change (LUCC) research. The study of cultivated land use change and the analysis of the driving factors of cultivated land use change are beneficial to rational utilization of cultivated land resources, ensuring regional food security, adjusting agricultural land structure, promoting regional economic and environmental coordinated development. In this paper, the cultivated land in Ruoqiang County, Bazhou Prefecture, Xinjiang is taken as the research object, the county administrative region is taken as the statistical unit, and the statistical data of population and cultivated land from 1949 to 2012 and the historical data of social and economic development from 1999 to 2012 are collected. This paper analyzes the present situation and characteristics of cultivated land resources in Ruoqiang County, and studies the driving force of cultivated land change in Ruoqiang County by principal component analysis. The results show that: (1) the cultivated land in Ruoqiang County has experienced different trends in the past 64 years. It can be divided into four stages: first, from 1949 to 1960, the area of cultivated land in the whole county showed an increasing trend. From 1949 to 1960, the area of cultivated land increased from 1526.67hm2 to 3660hm2.The average annual increase rate of cultivated land was 193.94hm2. In 1978, the cultivated land area decreased to the lowest point in history, that is, 2200hm ~ (2). Third, from 2002 to 2009, the area of cultivated land increased during this period. As the goal of speeding up the construction of the national optimum jujube base, the area of jujube continues to expand, so the heat of reclaiming wasteland rises. Cultivated land reached its highest level in 2009, at 7480hm2. The average annual growth rate was 751.4hm2/ year. Fourth, from 2010 to 2012, the cultivated land area of the whole county maintained no obvious change, and the trend of slow decline. Under the restrictive conditions of hydrological factors, it is impossible to reclaim wasteland on a large scale. In order to pursue economic benefit, the original cultivated land is transformed into jujube field, and its speed is also relatively fast, so the cultivated land area has been decreasing slowly since 2010. The cultivated land occupied by each person in Ruoqiang County increased twice and decreased twice. The results showed that the rate of change and regional difference of cultivated land in different villages and towns of Ruoqiang County were obvious. (2) the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the driving factors of cultivated land change shows that the main driving factors of cultivated land change in Ruoqiang County include the level of social and economic development, the progress of agricultural technology, the adjustment of population and agricultural structure, etc. Under the influence of policy and market orientation, the cultivated land area of Ruoqiang increased rapidly from 2001 to 2010, and the change of cultivated land decreased slowly under the restriction of water resources in Ruoqiang in 2010. (3) according to the nature of the driving factors of cultivated land change, this paper puts forward the protection countermeasures of cultivated land resources in Ruoqiang County from the aspects of law, policy, economy, agricultural technology, adjustment of agricultural land structure, food security and means of water conservancy construction, etc.
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