[Abstract]:As the inevitable outcome of rapid urbanization, the characteristics and disposal of suburban domestic waste can not be ignored. However, the quantity and component characteristics of MSW are often different with the regional climate, lifestyle and level, and the level of regional economic development. Therefore, the nature of MSW in the suburbs should be different from that in urban and rural areas. Only by accurately grasping the characteristics of garbage can we provide a scientific basis for the classification, management and disposal of municipal solid waste. However, there are limited reports on the study of the nature of municipal solid waste in suburban areas. In this study, the municipal solid waste (MSW) in the suburbs of Chengdu was selected as the main research object, and the moisture content, physical composition, calorific value, ash content of the MSW in the suburbs of Chengdu were studied by comparing the municipal solid waste with the rural MSW. The combustible content and heavy metal pollutant content are also discussed, and a feasible disposal scheme for municipal solid waste (MSW) is put forward. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the moisture content of municipal solid waste in Chengdu is between 47.8% and 64.2%. The moisture content of municipal solid waste was slightly lower and higher in summer (54.0% -59.8%) than in winter (47.8% -54.1%). The moisture content of municipal solid waste was high and stable in winter and summer (57.2% -63.1%). The highest moisture content (59.4% -64.2%). (_ 2) in summer was found in rural garbage. In terms of physical composition, the content of kitchen garbage was the highest in Chengdu suburb, urban area and rural areas in winter and summer. And winter is higher than summer in the same area. Compared with suburban and rural areas, the content of kitchen garbage in urban areas is higher in winter and summer, the highest is 66. 6%. In addition to the first part of the kitchen, in the suburbs in turn is dust (15.3- 27.6%), non-recyclable plastic, meal paper and wrapping paper; Other major waste components in the urban area are, in turn, non-recyclable plastics (6.8- 16.5%), meal paper, dust and wrapping paper; In rural areas, dust (4.0% -31.4%), non-recyclable plastic, meal paper and leaves. (3) Chengdu suburbs and urban areas, The characteristics of heavy metal pollutants in rural domestic waste in winter and summer showed that the concentration of heavy metals in Chengdu was generally higher than the local soil background value and showed a trend of higher in summer than in winter. Se (0.3-1.1mg/kg), Cd (0.3-0.9mg/kg) and Cu (24.9-152.6mg/kg) were the most important heavy metal pollution in garbage in winter and summer, while other heavy metal pollutants such as Pb,. The pollution order of Hg and Cr in the waste of three areas is quite different. The sources of heavy metal pollutants were studied by means of Pearson correlation analysis and determination of heavy metal concentration in the main components of garbage. The results showed that Cd in MSW mainly originated from kitchen, dust and plastics, and Se probably originated from discarded electronic products. Cu and Zn are derived from dust and printing; The main sources of Pb in urban garbage are dust, plastic and printing products, Cr and Se in suburban garbage are mainly derived from dust, while Hg comes mainly from cooking and dust. The main source of Cr in rural garbage is sewage irrigation. (4) the composting ratio of municipal solid waste is high and the combustible component is low, and the heavy metal content in the dust is higher. Therefore, it is suggested that the garbage in suburban areas should be used as a resource for kitchen, meal paper and leaf components on the premise of controlling heavy metal pollution, and not recyclable plastic, wrapping paper and dust components should be used in sanitary landfills, and recyclable components should be recycled.
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