[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the rapid increase of the number of chemical enterprises has posed a serious threat to the environmental safety of the surrounding water. In the form of China's economy entering the new normal state, the risk connotation and the change of the extension make the risk of water environment become a more and more complex management proposition. In the past static, the administrative division as the whole unit and the risk management mode which only pays attention to the management and control of the source main body has not been able to meet the new situation of the contemporary risk management. Therefore, it is urgent to put forward the risk management model which is in line with the contemporary high complex management proposition. The information multi-dimensional model modeling and information collaboration technology are the effective technical means to support the high complexity of the society. It is possible to realize the real-time, dynamic and refined management of the risk of water environment. In the face of the risk management of water pollution accident, this paper puts forward the corresponding risk evaluation system based on the dynamic fine management mode of risk, and builds the information system platform matching with the information technology. so as to complete a universal water pollution accident environment risk evaluation method construction and a new method of the construction of the information management system. According to the requirement of modern risk evaluation and management, this paper puts forward the SCORM partition space-time management mode: on the main body, the management object is refined into S (risk source), A (region), R (direct receptor-river) three main body, and the dynamic management of the risk source is realized in time. The disadvantages of the traditional static evaluation lack of time inheritance are avoided, the partition control is realized in the space, and the defect that the traditional risk evaluation is not high in the evaluation precision caused by the uneven distribution of the ground objects in the general evaluation unit by the administrative unit is avoided. according to the SARM partition space-time management mode, H (accident risk), V (environmental vulnerability) and E (receptor exposure) three index evaluation index systems corresponding to the objects S, A and R are respectively established, and three types of index evaluation are respectively carried out, and the E index is divided into two sets of dynamic and peak calculation models which are respectively involved in the risk dynamic partition evaluation and the risk peak partition evaluation of the next step. The analysis and evaluation of H, V and E indexes by using multi-variable statistics and GIS technology. The self-organization mapping (SOM) of the multi-variable statistical method is used for cluster analysis of the evaluation sample points of the three main bodies of S, A and R. In the end, we use the Haas (HDT) to sort out the ranking of the partial order of the various classes, and then the three index values of H, V and E are respectively obtained, and the risk leading factors of the corresponding main bodies S, A and R are analyzed according to the result. The time axis is introduced in the space, and the risk index model is improved correspondingly, and the risk dynamic partition evaluation model, the risk peak partition evaluation model and the regional risk comprehensive evaluation model are constructed. The risk changing trend of each risk source at different times is obtained, and the highest intensity level of the risk source in the full reach is also obtained. according to the SARM partition space-time management mode and the HVE evaluation system method, a complete set of water pollution accident environment risk management information platform SARMIS based on cloud computing, large data, Internet of Things and GIS integration technology is established. The three-layer architecture is calculated by the cloud, and the integration of the physical resources needed to be calculated by the risk source management can be completed. The system architecture of three-layer architecture based on cloud computing is fully designed, and the integrated model, technology and method of the core evaluation model of the SARM management mode are defined. Through the overall design of the SARMIS, the design of the business process, the interface design and the design of the core program model, the minimum cost meets the needs of the SARM management mode, and the functions required to manage the management mode are gradually set up and completed. The whole management mode has a complete information platform as the support to realize the dynamic and fine of risk evaluation and management. Taking Harbin as the object of the application of the SARMIS, the practicability and feasibility of the SARMIS are verified. The results of the evaluation of H, V and E in Harbin are obtained through the SARMIS platform, and the results of dynamic partition, peak partition level and total area risk level are formed by the comprehensive evaluation analysis. The following conclusions are drawn from the results: the high risk source includes the polybasic phenol of ZM coal chemical industry and the methanol tank 1, the phenol of the LX Petrochemical and the two benzene tanks, the methanol of the YM group, the ethanol of the SL medicine, and the liquid chlorine of the H Esterification process. the low-risk risk source is the acetone of the DJ plant and the acetone of the HY group; the high-fragile region of the Harbin environment is the western region, in particular the Harbin region and the north-east, and the middle part is the low-vulnerable region; The phenol and the two benzene tanks of the LX Petrochemical are at the highest predicted exposure level in the whole Harbin, the lowest exposure grade is the toluene of the DJ plant, and the four risk sources included in the ZM coal chemical industry are smaller in the influence scope of Harbin, but the exposure forecast intensity is higher; The risk value of the phenol and the two benzene tanks of the ZM coal chemical industry and the phenol and the two benzene tanks of the methanol tank 1, LX Petrochemical is the highest and the area of the zone I is the largest, the risk value of the toluene of the DJ plant is the lowest and the division level is the highest and the grade IV is the highest; The total risk value of the five risk sources included in the LX Petrochemical is at the highest level, and the four risk sources included in the ZM coal chemical industry limit the risk intensity due to the factors that are located, but the total value of the regional risks is low, and the toluene of the DJ plant is at a lower level. The total risk value of other risk sources is in the middle. Finally, according to the results of the evaluation, it is suggested to reduce the risk of risk source accident and to improve the capacity of regional environmental pollution. Therefore, the SARMIS system platform can form a full support for the SARM management mode. It can not only provide new management theory for future risk source management of water pollution accident, but also provide new information technology management means and platform carrier for environmental management administrative department. The water environment is safe and reliable, and has practical significance and practical value for regional economic development and environmental improvement under the new normal condition.
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