[Abstract]:The construction of new countryside should not only pay attention to the development of the whole rural economy, but also construct a civilized, stable and harmonious rural society. With the development of market economy, the economic life of rural residents in eastern Zhejiang has been improved and the quality of life has been guaranteed. However, the present situation of rural style civilization in eastern Zhejiang is not in harmony with the level of regional economic development, so it is necessary to improve the unbalanced development between economy and civilization. In recent years, Shaoxing's rural economy has developed, the villagers' material wealth has increased, the traditional rural life pattern has changed under the infiltration of urban factors, and the original values, morality and interest structure of the countryside have been deconstructed and constructed in the new period. Under the background of the infiltration of urban factors into rural society, the rural social situation has new specific characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to study the construction of rural countryside civilization in the new period. At present, the rural areas of eastern Zhejiang pay too much attention to the development of production, but ignore the construction of local civilization. This article takes the countryside of Shaoxing H town as an investigation case, collects the data by the way of on-the-spot interview, concretely describes the predicament of the construction of "local style civilization" in the town of H, and analyzes its essential reasons from the concrete rural predicament. Combined with the reasons of the predicament of local civilization, the effective guiding countermeasures are put forward. This article is divided into five chapters to discuss the rural countryside of eastern Zhejiang style of civilization construction. This paper, taking the countryside of Shaoxing H Town as the main investigation point, explores the construction of local style civilization in the construction of new rural areas in eastern Zhejiang Province, which is mainly composed of five levels of contents. The first level, introduction, is the background, significance, current situation, innovation and methods of this study. The second level, systematically explains the core concept of local style civilization and the theoretical basis of local style civilization. The third level, introduces the present situation and the predicament of the rural style civilization construction in the east of Zhejiang province, and investigates the problems existing in the villages of Shaoxing: the phenomenon of rural gambling is rampant, the rural human consumption is overflowing, and the rural cultural activities are lacking. The rural cultural infrastructure is scarce, the rural folk culture falls, the peasant ideology and morals are out of order. In the fourth level, the author analyzes the causes of the problems of rural civilization in eastern Zhejiang, and deeply understands and grasps the essence of the problems. The fifth level, combined with the eastern Zhejiang rural countryside style civilization construction predicament reason analysis proposed the guidance strategy.
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