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发布时间:2019-02-27 06:29
[Abstract]:Organophosphorus phosphorus is an important component of lake ecosystem, an important link of nutrient biogeochemical cycle and life process, and also the main form of phosphorus deposit. It plays an important role and contributes to eutrophication of lakes. In this study, Wuliangsuhai and Hulun Lake, which have obvious characteristics in cold and arid areas and obvious differences in lake types, were taken as the object of study, based on the study on the forms of organophosphorus, and the main line was the study on the bioavailability of organophosphorus. The geochemical characteristics of organophosphorus compounds in different types of lakes in cold and arid areas were determined, the organophosphorus compounds in sediments of different types of lakes were characterized, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and mechanisms of organophosphorus were explained. The distribution of organophosphorus compounds in sediment core was analyzed by 31P-NMR, the bioavailability of organophosphorus compounds in different lakes in cold and arid areas was comprehensively identified and evaluated, and the environmental behavior of organophosphorus in water environment was explained. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accumulate the basic data of organophosphorus studies in lake ecosystems in China and to strengthen the comparative study on the bioavailability of organophosphorus in lakes in warm and wet areas and cold and arid areas. The main developments are as follows: 1. The geochemical characteristics of organophosphorus in sediments of two lakes were studied by chemical continuous extraction. The results showed that the dominant forms of organophosphorus in the sediments of Wuliangsuhai were hydrochloric acid extracted organic phosphorus (HCl-OP) and residual organophosphorus phosphorus (Re-OP), and the residual organophosphorus (Re-OP) in the sediment of Hulun Lake was the dominant form. The content sequence of active organophosphorus (MLOP) inactive organophosphorus (NLOP) in two lake sediments exists in active organophosphorus (LOP). The organophosphorus compounds in the sediments of two lakes were determined by 31p / NMP. The results showed that the information of organophosphorus compounds in the surface sediments of the two lakes was relatively abundant, and the unstable organophosphorus components were no longer detected with the increase of deposition depth. It was found that there was a good correspondence between the active organophosphorus (LOP) and the redox potential (ORP) in the core of Wuliangsu Sea, which revealed the release of LOP by the degradation of organic matter. In the core of Hulun Lake, iron phosphorus (Fe-P) / total organic carbon (TOC) was positively correlated with hydrochloric acid extracted organophosphorus (HCl-OP) / NaOH extraction of organophosphorus (NaOH-OP), indicating the ability of iron oxide to immobilize organophosphorus. It is revealed that the mutual transformation of organophosphorus extracted by NaOH and hydrochloric acid is the main driving force for the transformation and redistribution of organophosphorus species in sediments. 4. The diffusion mechanism of phosphorus at the sea-sediment interface of Wuliangsu and the speciation distribution of phosphorus in the sea ice body of Wuliangsu during the ice sealing period were studied, which accumulated the basic data for the study of the environmental geochemical behavior of phosphorus at different interfaces in the lakes in the cold and arid areas. 5. On the basis of integrating existing research results, the differential mechanism of organophosphorus speciation distribution in sediments of typical lakes in China was comprehensively analyzed. The results showed that the contents of various forms of organophosphorus in lake sediments of the new and Qinghai-Xizang plateau were significantly lower than those in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in the Yungui plateau, reflecting the physical and geographical environment of the different lakes. Climate conditions and regional economic and social development level and other aspects of differences.


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