发布时间:2018-01-08 09:09
本文关键词:我国调整劳资分配比例对居民消费需求的影响分析 出处:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:居民消费是扩大内需,拉动经济发展的动力之一,且越来越占据主要地位。2011年底召开的中央经济工作会议提出了关于2012年加快经济结构调整的重点。其中之一就是扩大内需,特别是消费需求。具体做法是要“调整优化需求结构,重点提升居民消费能力,改善居民消费条件,培育新的消费热点”。2012年底,党的十八大报告明确提出要“加快建立扩大消费需求长效机制”。然而,我国存在着劳动报酬在GDP中的占比不断下降,资本所有者占有经济发展成果和社会财富逐渐增大的趋势。这样的劳资分配比例不合理直接导致我国以劳动报酬收入为主要可支配收入来源的居民收入降低,消费能力不足。 本文从劳资分配比例视角来研究我国的居民消费不足问题,使用理论分析和实证分析相结合的方法,以马克思主义经济学理论为基础,结合大量的有实效性的数据,研究了我国调整劳资分配比例,提高国民收入初次分配中的劳动报酬比重对于扩大居民消费的影响。 第一章为导论,说明了论文所要研究的问题和研究意义,对相关概念进行了界定和解释,梳理了论文的思路和框架,指出了论文的创新和不足之处。 第二章为相关的文献综述,综述了国内外学者对于劳资分配比例、居民消费需求以及二者的相关关系所作出的理论分析和实证研究。大多数学者都同意劳资分配比例关系是国民收入分配中的主要内容,国外的劳动报酬份额在工业化和城市化过程中有相对稳定性,甚至呈现出上升的趋势,而我国的劳动份额却呈现下降的趋势。同时,我国的收入分配是影响居民消费的主要因素,这种影响主要体现在国民收入分配格局和居民收入差距上。 第三章为我国的劳资分配比例现状分析。从1991年到2012年的20年间,我国的劳动者报酬占比一直呈现出降低的趋势,同时,从1978年到2012年的30多年间,我国的职工工资总额占GDP比重也处于下降水平。跟国际上发达国家的类似经济发展阶段比较,我国的劳动报酬份额也是偏低的。 第四章以马克思主义经济学中的劳动力价值理论为基础,对我国的劳资分配比例失调,劳动报酬降低进行了理论分析。马克思指出和其他的商品价值一样,劳动力的价值也是由它的再生产所必需的劳动量决定的,而这个劳动量又是由工人的必要生活资料的价值决定的。我们从历史的发展的角度来看,劳动力价值的变动并不是简单的随着劳动生产率的提高而降低,劳动强度和劳动复杂程度、劳动者所需生活资料的质和量的变化以及教育和发展费用的不断提高等等方面都会使劳动力价值上升。劳动力价值有上升的需要,但是我国的劳动者报酬却呈现出下降的趋势。马克思指出,如果劳动力市场的供求平衡状态被打破,资本稀缺,劳动力市场的劳动力供大于求,便会出现资本所有者即雇主占主导地位,以低廉的价格获取劳动力资源的现象。从我国的现状来看,我国正处在一个资本稀缺,劳动力市场的劳动力供大于求的状态,并且这种资本占主导地位的形式还将持续相当长的一段时期;加之我国的劳动力市场现存的劳动力资源供给丰富且质量偏低的特点,使大部分的劳动力长期处于市场中的弱势位置,在岗位需求稀缺的情况下,劳动者展开激烈的竞争,为雇主降低工资提供了条件,导致我国的劳动者报酬下降。 第五章分析了我国调整劳资分配比例,提高劳动报酬占比对扩大居民消费的影响。 首先,对我国的居民消费不足现状进行了分析:我国的居民消费动力不足,倾向于将收入用于储蓄,居民存款增长率一直处于较高的水平,我国的最终消费率持续下降,从2001年超过60%的水平后至2010年降至48.2%,十年间下降了12个百分点;同时不同群体的消费结构不同,不论是城镇居民还是农村居民,食品、医疗的支出比重都由低收入者到高收入者递减;交通通信和文教娱乐比重由低收入者到高收入者递增,但是我国的80%以上的居民消费结构都停留在医疗、食品等初级阶段。 接下来,以此为基础探讨我国劳资分配不合理,劳动报酬占比低对居民消费的影响:我国的居民收入以劳动报酬为主,以2012年为例,城镇居民和农村居民的劳动性报酬收入分别占人均可支配收入的70.6%和88.2%,是当年社会购买力的主要来源。但是,我国居民的劳动报酬1占比在国际上处于较低水平,从2009年来看,美国的劳动报酬占GDP比重高出了我国11个百分点,在有相关数据发布的国家中,只有韩国和南非比我国低了1个百分点。这种低水平的劳动报酬占比直接导致了我国以劳动报酬为主的居民可支配收入偏低,消费动力不足;同时,我国居民大部分属于低收入群体,占我国比重一半左右就业人数的劳动者(农、林、牧、渔业)的收入从1978年到2012年一直为我国所有行业的最低水平,消费需求只能大部分停留在食品医疗等初级阶段,居民消费结构的发展滞后;另一方面,国民收入分配向资本倾斜,从1998年到2007年我国大中型工业企业净资产收益率从3.12%增长到17.91%,达到了近6倍的增长,2008年受到美国金融危机的影响,净资产收益率有所下降,但也维持在15%以上,且以后也呈现上升的趋势。我国企业的利润总额从1998年到2012年增长了45倍,而职工的工资总额增长仅为6倍左右,在企业经济发展的同时,劳动者的劳动报酬没有获得同等的提高,长期较大地低于企业利润的增长。这种劳资分配比例的不平衡自然使得我国的劳动者报酬处于劣势地位,居民消费也只能处于低迷状态,消费者的货币支付能力需要下降,最终消费支出占GDP比重下降,我国的最终消费率持续走低。 最后,分析了调整劳资分配比例,提高劳动者报酬占比对扩大居民消费的积极影响。调整劳资分配比例,提高我国国民收入初次分配中劳动者报酬占比,能够直接增加我国以劳动报酬为主的居民可支配收入,可支配收入的增加能够使居民在满足储蓄需要后转移到消费上,增加居民的消费动力;同时,劳动报酬收入的提高,能够改善我国大部分居民群体的低收入水平状况,有利于引导我国居民消费结构的改善,使广大的居民从食品、医疗等基础消费转移到更加高层次的消费水平,扩大相应市场的需求,缓解部分第三产业市场产品过剩的情况,也符合我国“初次分配注重效率,再分配注重公平”这一原则;调整劳资分配比例,提高劳动报酬占比,能够一定程度缓解我国的国民收入向资本倾斜,使广大劳动者能够跟上企业和我国经济的发展,使经济增长的收益回归到劳动者身上,更加符合社会主义国家经济发展的最终目标。 第六章根据前文的分析,提出了关于调整劳资分配比例、扩大居民消费的建议。首先要坚持按劳分配为主、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,完善相关分配机制;同时建立符合我国国情的工资增长机制、建立企业的工资集体协商制度,保护劳动所得,完善对劳动者收入的保障机制;加强对劳动者素质和技能的培训;最后,完善政府再分配的调节机制,适当调节资本报酬。
[Abstract]:The consumer is to expand domestic demand pulling power of economic development, and more and more dominant.2011 at the end of the central economic work conference held on 2012 put forward the key to accelerate the adjustment of economic structure. One is to expand domestic demand, especially consumer demand. The specific approach is to adjust and optimize the structure of demand, focus on the improvement of residents' consumption ability to improve consumer conditions, foster new consumption hot spots.2012 "at the end of the eighteen Party Congress report clearly put forward to accelerate the establishment of a long-term mechanism for expanding consumer demand. However, the existence of China's labor remuneration in the proportion of GDP decreased, the capital owner occupies the achievements of economic development and social wealth gradually.. the distribution ratio of labor and capital so irrational directly led to China's labor income to pay residents disposable income from lower income and consumption of energy The force is insufficient.
The consumption problem from the perspective to study the distribution ratio of labor and capital of our country, using the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, the Marx economics theory as the foundation, combined with a large number of real data of China to adjust the distribution ratio of labor and capital, improve the primary distribution of the national income for the proportion of labor remuneration effect of expanding consumption.
The first chapter is the introduction, explaining the problems and significance of the research, defining and explaining the related concepts, sorting out the train of thought and framework, and pointing out the innovations and shortcomings of the paper.
The second chapter is literature review, review of domestic and foreign scholars on the labor distribution ratio, theoretical analysis and empirical research of correlation between consumer demand and the two. Most scholars agree that the distribution ratio of labor and capital relation is the main content in the distribution of national income, labor income share abroad is relatively stable in industrialization and in the process of city, even showing a rising trend, and China's labor share is declining. At the same time, China's income distribution is the main factor affecting the consumer, this effect is mainly reflected in the distribution of national income and the income gap of residents.
The third chapter is the analysis of the labor distribution ratio of the current situation of our country. From 1991 to 2012 of 20 years, China's labor share has been showing a decreasing trend, at the same time, from 1978 to 2012 of more than 30 years, total wages in China accounted for the proportion of GDP is declined level. Compared with the developed countries. A similar stage of economic development, labor share in China is low.
The fourth chapter is on the basis of Marx's economics in the theory of labor value, imbalance of the distribution ratio of labor and capital of our country, reduce the labor remuneration is analyzed in theory. Marx pointed out that like other commodity value, the amount of labor force is the value of its reproduction necessary decisions, and the amount of labor is necessary the value of life information workers. We decided from the historical development angle, and change the value of labor is not simply with the improvement of labor productivity and reduce labor intensity and complexity, the required life information and the change in quantity and quality of education and development costs are rising and so on the labour value rose. There is a rising need of labor value, but our labor is showing a downward trend. Marx pointed out that if the labor Power market supply and demand balance is broken, scarce capital and labour market oversupply, there will be capital owners that employers dominated at low prices for labor resources. From the current situation of our country, our country is in a state of scarce capital and labor market supply of labor for the capital and the dominant form will continue for a long period of time; and the characteristics of the labor market of our country existing labor resource rich supply and low quality, make the most of the labor force in the market in a weak position in the long term, demand for jobs scarce, workers in fierce competition that provides the conditions for employers to reduce wages, leading to China's labor compensation declined.
The fifth chapter analyses the effect of adjusting the proportion of labor and capital distribution and improving the ratio of labor remuneration to the expansion of the consumption.
First of all, the insufficient consumption situation in China were analyzed: lack of China's consumption power, tend to be income for savings, household savings growth rate has been at a high level, China's final consumption rate continued to decline by more than 60% from 2001 to 2010 to 48.2% level, ten years down 12 percentage points; at the same time, the consumption structure of different groups, whether urban or rural residents, food, medical expenses by decreasing the proportion of low-income to high-income persons; transportation and communication and education and entertainment accounted for by the low income to high income increases, but the consumption structure of residents in China more than 80% of the stay in the primary stage of medical, food and so on.
Next, on the basis of labor distribution in our country is not reasonable, labor compensation for the impact on consumption than low income residents in China: Based on labor remuneration, for example in 2012, urban residents and rural residents labor remuneration income accounted for disposable income of 70.6% and 88.2%, is the main source of when the purchasing power of society. However, the labor remuneration of the residents in our country accounted for 1 in the world than in the low level, from 2009, the U.S. labor compensation proportion of GDP accounted for 11 percentage points higher than in China, relevant data released in the country, only South Korea and South Africa than China's low of 1 percentage points. This low level of labor remuneration accounted for a direct result of China's labor remuneration to the disposable income of residents is low, less power consumption; at the same time, the majority of residents in our country belongs to the low income group, China accounted for half of the proportion of the left Right of workers employment (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery) income from 1978 to 2012 has been the lowest level for all industries in China, consumer demand can only remain in the preliminary stage of food and medical development, the consumption structure lags behind; on the other hand, the distribution of national income tilt to the capital, from 1998 to 2007 China's large and medium-sized industrial enterprises net assets income rate increased from 3.12% to 17.91%, reaching nearly 6 times the growth in 2008, affected by the financial crisis in the United States, net assets income rate declined, but remained above 15%, and later also showed a rising trend. The total profits of enterprises in China from 1998 to 2012 an increase of 45 times, while the salary of the total growth is only about 6 times, in the economic development of the enterprise, the remuneration of workers did not receive the same increase greatly lower than the long-term business profit growth. The imbalance of labor and capital distribution naturally makes China's laborers' remuneration at a disadvantage. Residents' consumption can only be in a doldrums. The consumer's ability to pay money needs to decrease. The proportion of final consumption expenditure to GDP decreases. The final consumption rate of China continues to decline.
Finally, analysis of the adjustment of labor allocation, improve the positive impact of employeecompensation on expanding consumption. The adjustment of labor allocation, improve the remuneration of workers at the national income distribution proportion, can directly increase our labor remuneration as the disposable income of residents, the increase of disposable income to enable the residents to meet savings need to transfer to consumption, increase the power consumption of the residents; at the same time, improve the labor income, lower income level can improve the majority of the population groups in China, to help guide the Chinese residents' consumption structure improvement, so that the majority of the residents from the transfer of food, health care and other basic consumption to more high level of consumption the level of the corresponding expansion of market demand, alleviate some of the third industry market surplus of products, also meet our initial distribution focus on efficiency, focusing on redistribution Fair "is a principle; the adjustment of labor allocation proportion, improve the proportion of labor remuneration, can to some extent alleviate China's national income tilt to the capital, the majority of workers and enterprises to keep up with the development of China's economy, the economic growth of the income return to labor, more in line with the ultimate goal of the development of socialist economy.
The sixth chapter according to the above analysis, put forward on the adjustment of the distribution ratio of labor and capital, expand consumer advice. We must first adhere to distribution according to work and distribution system of a variety of modes of distribution coexist, improve the relevant distribution mechanism; at the same time to establish our country's wage growth mechanism, establish collective wage consultation system of enterprises, protection of labor income and improving the safeguard mechanism on labor income; to strengthen the quality of workers and skills training; finally, improve the regulatory mechanism of government redistribution, adjusting the capital return.
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