本文关键词:生态足迹视阈下恩施州可持续发展研究 出处:《湖北民族学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 生态承载力 生态足迹 生态赤字 生态盈余 可持续发展
[Abstract]:In recent years, the economic sustainable development, the social sustainable development, the ecological sustainable development has gradually shifted from the theoretical research to the practice link. The 17th National Congress of our Party formally wrote "the ecological civilization" into the party constitution. This not only reflects the importance of our government to sustainable development, but also reflects the determination of our government to achieve sustainable development. Especially in the areas supported by ethnic minorities, accelerating the overall development of economy and society is the key task of poverty alleviation in Wuling District in the new period. This paper bases on the theory of ecological civilization, sustainable development and economic sustainable development. With the ecological footprint model as an analysis tool, this paper deeply analyzes the obstacles affecting the sustainable economic and social development of Enshi prefecture, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for improvement. It is hoped that the 13th Five-Year Plan will be held for other ethnic minority areas in the western part of the country. Even for a long time to take the road of sustainable development to provide a little reference and advice. This paper based on three parts as the trunk to carry out the relevant research. The first part is the basic part. This part is composed of introduction and chapter 1, mainly elaborated the research background, the significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation, the research key difficulty and the innovation place and so on question, and separately from the sustainable development theory. The theory of economic sustainable development and ecological footprint theory are discussed in three aspects, which provide a certain basis for the future research. The second part is the core part of this paper. It includes two chapters: chapter 2 and chapter 3. Among them, chapter 2 is the analysis of the current situation of the sustainable development of Enshi prefecture. This chapter analyzes the potential and constraints of the economic, social and ecological sustainable development system of Enshi prefecture from the point of view of the economic, social and ecological sustainable development system of Enshi prefecture. In chapter 3, the ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity in the sustainable development of Enshi prefecture are systematically analyzed with the ecological footprint theory as the analysis tool. The problem. Based on the conclusions of ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity, the sustainable development of Enshi prefecture is systematically evaluated. The third part is a summary of the article, including chapter 4 and the conclusion. Chapter 4 puts forward effective countermeasures and suggestions according to the related reasons and related analysis results of the ecological deficit in Enshi prefecture. The conclusion part makes some predictions and prospects on the basis of summarizing the full text.
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