本文关键词: 丝绸之路经济带 欧亚经济联盟 “一带一盟”对接 贸易便利化机制 自贸区 特惠贸易制度 出处:《东北亚论坛》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since May 2015, when China and Russia jointly decided on the strategic policy of "one Belt, one Union" docking, this docking has now entered the start-up stage. And has made initial progress in the construction of cooperation platform and mechanism, as well as in economic practical cooperation. Looking forward to the future, the "one Belt, one Union" docking has a series of favorable strategic support, but also faces a number of challenges, but generally speaking, The docking has a bright strategic outlook; trade and transport facilitation mechanisms will make positive progress in the near future in terms of their cooperation platforms and mechanisms, while the establishment of economic integration regimes or preferential trade regimes, Perfection and upgrading will be a long process; practical economic cooperation in docking will also be greatly developed in the foreseeable future. The author believes that in order to better promote the docking, all parties should firmly adhere to the docking policy. Find out the greatest common divisor of the strategic interests convergence and cooperation of all parties; promote the construction of cooperation platform and mechanism in parallel and economic practical cooperation; While vigorously promoting the development of the "one Belt, one Alliance" docking platform and mechanism, we should accelerate the construction of the RCEP and the Asia-Pacific Free Trade area along its path, if the RCEP is first built, It could be the "golden key" to the development of the "one Belt, one Union" at all levels of the free trade zone, and, if on the contrary, it could promote the construction of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade area; while actively building the preferential trade system, We should also promote the improvement and upgrading of the global multilateral trading system.
【作者单位】: 河南大学哲学与公共管理学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目(14BGJ016) 2017年度河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目(人文社科类) 中国国家留学基金资助项目
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