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发布时间:2018-03-01 03:23

  本文关键词: 知识资本 高技术产业 国际竞争力 知识经济 出处:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's high-tech industry has developed rapidly and has become the largest export country of high-tech products in the world. However, about 60% of the exports of high-tech products depend on processing trade, so their international competitiveness is not strong. The trade structure needs to be optimized urgently. As the key force to promote the development of the global economy, there are few literatures on the international competitiveness of the knowledge capital to the high-tech industry of our country. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze it. Based on the relevant data of China's high-tech industry from 1996 to 2012, this paper establishes an autovector regression model from the regional and industry levels. At the same time, considering the lag of inflation and knowledge capital, the impact of knowledge capital investment on international competitiveness of different regions and industries is compared and analyzed. The empirical results show that knowledge capital affects different regions and industries. The impact of the international competitiveness of the industry is different. To absorb and absorb expenditure and domestic expenditure on technology introduction can better promote the international competitiveness of high-tech industries, and the central region will increase the absorption and absorption of funds. The expenditure of foreign technology introduction funds and domestic technology introduction funds can promote their international competitiveness, while the western region can enhance their international competitiveness by increasing foreign technology import funds and absorbing funds. To improve the international competitiveness of the pharmaceutical and aerospace manufacturing industries, it is necessary to increase the funds for the introduction of technology from abroad and to absorb and absorb the funds. The electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry can better promote its international competitiveness by increasing foreign technology import funds. If the electronic computer and office equipment manufacturing industry wants to enhance its international competitiveness, it should increase R D funding. The increase of R & D investment in human capital and domestic technology introduction funds can enhance the international competitiveness of the medical equipment and instrument manufacturing industry. The author puts forward corresponding policies and suggestions for different regions and industries. On the basis of increasing the investment of knowledge capital, the author formulates the corresponding strategies of investment of knowledge capital according to the corresponding results.


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