本文选题:区域科技创新体系 + 创新链 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:21世纪以来,区域一体化与经济全球化成为两股平行发展、相互促进的时代潮流。欧盟一体化进程进入新的发展阶段,东亚地区区域合作跃上新的台阶;纽约、北京、伦敦、巴黎等大城市群相继崛起,区域成为世界经济和科技发展不可忽视的重要力量。充分调动和协调区域内的各种资源,有效实现区域层面的协同创新,是区域合作深化的必然结果和重要内容。 纵观发达国家创新发展的实践,其中一条最重要的成功经验,就是打破领域、区域和国别的界限,实现地区性及全球性的协同创新,构建起庞大的创新网络,实现创新要素最大限度的整合。从我国的现实情况来看,协同创新已经成为各省市竞相探索的新型创新模式。我国载入史册的两弹一星工程、载人航天工程、嫦娥工程等重大技术攻关,无疑都是具有中国特色的协同创新的成果。近年来,北京、江苏等省市在全面推进原始创新、集成创新、引进消化吸收再创新的同时,,也在自觉不自觉地探索推动协同创新模式,力求在新一轮创新竞赛中先走一步,争创创新优势。 本文第一章借助国内外的区域协同创新的研究成果阐述了本文的研究意义、研究内容及研究思路。第二章以国内外的区域科技创新理论和协同创新理论为理论基础,以科技创新链为线索,构建了区域科技协同创新理论研究框架。第三章对我国区域科技的现状进行分析,指出我国区域科技创新存在的一些问题。第四章构建评价指标体系和协同度的测算模型。第五章利用协同度测算模型计算各个省市的科技创新协同度,并对各省市的结果进行比较分析,采用回归分析的方法对区域的综合创新能力与协同度的相关关系进行分析,以此来说明本文的假设结论:科技创新协同度越高,区域的综合创新能力就越强。第六章对对本文的结论作归纳分析,然后针对我国区域科技创新存在的问题,从区域协同创新的主体、人员、经费及环境等方面提出了参考性的意见。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 st century, regional integration and economic globalization have become two trends of parallel development and mutual promotion. The integration of the European Union has entered a new stage of development, the regional cooperation in East Asia has leapt to a new level, and the large urban agglomerations such as New York, Beijing, London and Paris have risen one after another, and the region has become an important force in the development of world economy and science and technology. It is the inevitable result and important content of the deepening of regional cooperation to mobilize and coordinate all kinds of resources in the region and effectively realize the collaborative innovation at the regional level. Looking at the practice of innovation and development in developed countries, one of the most important successful experiences is to break the boundaries of fields, regions and countries, to achieve regional and global collaborative innovation, and to build a huge network of innovation. To achieve maximum integration of innovative elements. According to the reality of our country, collaborative innovation has become a new innovation mode for provinces and cities to explore. There is no doubt that the two projectiles and one satellite project, the manned spaceflight project, the Chang'e project and other important technological problems recorded in the history of our country are the fruits of collaborative innovation with Chinese characteristics. In recent years, Beijing, Jiangsu, and other provinces and cities, while comprehensively promoting original innovation, integrating innovation, introducing, absorbing, reinventing and innovating, have also consciously and unconsciously explored the mode of promoting collaborative innovation, and are striving to take a step forward in the new round of innovation competitions. Strive for innovation advantage. In the first chapter, the research significance, research contents and research ideas of this paper are expounded with the help of the research results of regional collaborative innovation both at home and abroad. In the second chapter, based on the theories of regional scientific and technological innovation and cooperative innovation at home and abroad, and taking the chain of scientific and technological innovation as the clue, the theoretical framework of regional cooperative innovation of science and technology is constructed. The third chapter analyzes the current situation of China's regional science and technology, and points out some problems existing in China's regional scientific and technological innovation. The fourth chapter constructs the evaluation index system and the calculation model of synergy degree. The fifth chapter calculates the synergy degree of science and technology innovation of each province and city by using the synergy measure model, and makes a comparative analysis of the results of each province and city, and analyzes the correlation relationship between the comprehensive innovation ability and the synergy degree of the region by the method of regression analysis. The conclusion of this paper is as follows: the higher the degree of synergy of science and technology innovation, the stronger the comprehensive innovation ability of the region. In the sixth chapter, the conclusion of this paper is summarized and analyzed. Then, in view of the problems existing in regional scientific and technological innovation in China, the author puts forward some suggestions on the subject, personnel, funds and environment of regional cooperative innovation.
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