本文选题:系统性 + 结构性失衡 ; 参考:《贵州社会科学》2017年11期
[Abstract]:The judgment of the main social contradiction in the report of 19th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China shows that the main problem in the economic operation of our country under the new normal condition is the structural problem, and the fundamental method to solve the structural problem is to deepen the structural reform on the supply side. The supply-side structural reform has systematic characteristics, so deepening the reform must have systematic thinking, combine micro, meso and macro aspects, and form effective interaction from different levels to coordinate the overall situation from the overall perspective. The systematic path of deepening the supply-side structural reform in China lies in: the micro-level should take improving the product quality as the core, taking the technological progress as the driving force, taking the enterprise as the main body, stimulating the micro-main body vigor; At the middle level, we should take the industrial transformation and upgrading as the key, take the innovative economy as the guide, break the lock of the industrial structure, develop the new industry, promote the transformation and upgrade of the traditional industry, and take the improvement of the quality of the economic growth as the foothold at the macro level. Relying on scientific and technological innovation, strategic innovation and institutional innovation to enhance the core competitiveness of the real economy, the level of opening to the outside world should focus on the promotion of comparative quality, and promote the quality of foreign trade.
【作者单位】: 西北大学;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重大项目“新常态下地方经济增长质量和效益的监测预警系统和政策支撑体系构建研究”(15ZDA012) 教育部哲学社会科学发展报告项目“中国经济增长质量报告”(13JBGP014)
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