[Abstract]:The further analysis of the evolution and cause of industrial cluster needs to introduce the theory of regional industrial structure change, and combine the theories of regional comparative advantage industry evolution and new economic geography in the new structural economics. To construct the theoretical framework of the relationship between industrial structure change and endogenous driving force. Based on the data of 279 prefecture-level cities in China from 2005 to 2014, this paper empirically analyzes the relationship between the changes of industrial structure and endogenous power in terms of consumption structure, factor endowment, foreign trade and technological progress. The results show that: the endogenous driving force drives the industrial structure in different regions of China at the present stage, and the threshold effect test shows that there are differences in the role of endogenous power in different threshold regions on the changes of industrial structure morphology. The technological progress in the low level zone promotes the regional industrial diversity, while the high level area changes to promote the agglomeration situation; the improvement of foreign trade promotes the agglomeration situation continuously; the quality of labor force is improved. Capital deepening drives industrial structure to be diversified. The low level of capital deepening and consumption structure is the "short board" that restricts the advanced industrial structure of our country at present.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院;
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