[Abstract]:In recent years, there has been a wave of research on nanotechnology in various countries around the world. Nanotechnology has become the third largest high and new technology in the information and biological industries since the 21st century, and it will have a profound impact on the development of human beings. Many countries invest a lot of personnel and financial resources to support the basic research and development of nanotechnology and technology diffusion. China is in a developing country, but it is not lagging behind in the field of nanometer, so it is very important to study the nanometer science and technology in China to promote the development of industrialization. Based on the comparison of nanotechnology and nanotechnology in developed countries at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of our country and finds out the gap. Based on the statistics of the papers published in the field of nanotechnology in China from 2000 to 2011, the personnel involved, the patents applied for and the grants of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for the basic research of nanotechnology, the present situation in the field of nanotechnology in China is understood. This paper focuses on the analysis of the main factors of the innovation system of nanotechnology industry in China: universities, enterprises and policy system. Universities and scientific research institutions are the main body of nanotechnology knowledge innovation in China, and play an important role in basic research and technological research and development. Enterprises support and invest in universities and scientific research institutions involved in nanoresearch. With access to the latest technology and rapid production, the activities of these actors are influenced by our policies and institutions. Through the analysis of the specific function of nanometer, this paper sets up the analytical framework of the innovation system of China's nanometer science and technology industry, identifies the development path and function realization of the nano industry innovation system of our country, and provides guidance for the further development of our country's nanometer industry. On this basis, the internal and external dynamic mechanism of nanometer industrialization in China is analyzed, and the model is established.
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