[Abstract]:The rapid economic growth of our country has also caused serious environmental problems and resource consumption. The recycling of waste materials is one of the important channels for the acquisition of resources. The development of renewable resources industry has obvious strategic significance and value. The zone management park has the unique policy superiority, the technical superiority and the idea superiority, is the inevitable choice which our country regenerates the resources profession development. The research on the zone management park is helpful to speed up the development of renewable resources industry and realize the sustainable development of economy and society in China, which has certain academic value and practical significance. Guided by the concept of sustainable development, the theory of circular economy and the theory of cost-benefit analysis, according to the latest development policies of renewable resources industry in China, The cost-benefit analysis method is used as a tool to study the cost and income composition of the recycling resource zone management park. According to the actual situation of our country, the pilot construction of Zhaoqing South China renewable resources industry park is studied. The cost-benefit analysis of the park is carried out. First of all, by consulting the domestic and foreign research status of the circle zone management park and cost-benefit analysis, this paper summarizes the theoretical basis of the construction and cost-benefit analysis of the circle zone management park, and analyzes the essence of the park construction. This paper discusses the theoretical framework and method of cost-benefit analysis applied in the management park of recycling resource circle. Secondly, by using the feasibility of the park and the actual situation of the park, the specific content of cost-benefit of the park is divided and defined. On the basis of expounding the theory, taking the South China Regenerative Resources Industry Park of Zhaoqing City as an example, the paper compares the difference of cost and benefit between enterprises before and after entering the park, and analyzes the cost and benefit of 20 enterprises in the park and Y enterprises outside the park. By comparing the investment cost, production cost and environmental cost of the two, it is found that after entering the park, the enterprise is affected by the park to form a cost-benefit advantage. Therefore, the whole cost benefit of the enterprises in the park is better than that of the enterprises outside the park, and it is a better choice for enterprises to enter the park in the future. The research value of this paper lies in the fact that the construction of park management park is the inevitable choice for the development of renewable resources industry in China through the cost-benefit analysis, which provides practical experience and theoretical support for the development of the industry. It promotes the development of renewable resources industry in China, provides technical support for environmental protection and sustainable development, and promotes the formation of industrial chain. The research also found the problems in the construction plan, supervision and management, and the choice of the resident enterprises. Because the circle zone management park has not been implemented in our country for a long time, it lacks the relevant data, and this paper only chooses one of the parks to carry on the analysis, which has some limitations, the research is not comprehensive enough, needs to perfect the method, collects the data. Further in-depth analysis.
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