[Abstract]:Since the first oil price shock in the 1970s, the impact of oil prices on macroeconomic activity has attracted a lot of attention. Initially, many studies suggest that there is a significant negative relationship between oil price shocks and GDP, but recent empirical studies show that the relationship between oil price shocks and macroeconomic variables is decreasing. A key feature of existing literature is that it focuses on oil importing countries that are developed countries. For oil-importing countries that belong to developing countries, different conclusions may be drawn from developed countries, which can be confirmed by empirical research. Therefore, my study uses the restricted VAR model and Granger causality test to examine the impact of oil price shocks on Ghana's macro-economy, which is an oil-importing country belonging to developing countries. The results show that oil price shocks have a significant negative impact on Ghana's output and economic activity. I also use nonlinear modeling to explain the asymmetry of oil price shocks. I found that negative oil shocks dampen economic growth, while positive oil shocks boost economic growth and increase output. Granger causality test reveals a one-way causal relationship between oil price shocks and GDP. My results show that there is a nonlinear relationship between oil prices and the macroeconomic variables in Ghana, and there is no asymmetry in the influence of oil prices. However, the study also acknowledges that the impact of oil price shocks in numerical terms is minimal, but that does not mean that the impact of oil price shocks can be ignored in Ghana.
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