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发布时间:2018-12-28 19:50
【摘要】:经济技术开发区是我国改革开放初期的一项重要创举,自1984年第一个国家级经济技术开发区成立以来,历经30年发展,经济开发区已然成为深化改革开放、助推区域发展和战略规划、力促产业优化和结构调整的重要力量。经济开发区不但是一个经济区域,而且是一个典型且相对独立的行政区域,它的特殊之处不仅限于政策的特殊性,更体现在其管理体制的特殊性。伴随着我国经济的全面发展和全方位对外开放格局的形成,开发区依靠优惠政策发展的显性优势逐渐被弱化,,开发区的管理体制面临很多新问题、新矛盾。因此,对于经济开发区管理体制等方面的创新研究有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。 甘肃省属于西部欠发达地区,兰州经济技术开发区作为甘肃第一个国家级经济技术开发区,起步晚、经验少,对于经济开发区的研究比起其他发达地区相差甚远,在管理体制创新方面更是处在一个初步摸索的阶段。基于此,探索在新形势下对兰州经济技术开发区二级园区—安宁园区的管理体制进行创新,使其在属地化管理之后能继续发挥优势,为安宁打造率先跨越发展新局面再做贡献。 本文以兰州经济技术开发区安宁园区为研究样本,阐述了研究经济开发区管理体制创新的必要性。文章简要回顾了经济开发区的发展历程和管理体制特点,梳理了兰州经济技术开发区管理体制的演变,重点对兰州经济技术开发区安宁园区的管理体制现状进行了分析,针对问题,借鉴国内其他经济开发区管理体制先进经验,根据安宁园区的实际情况,对安宁园区管理体制创新提出一些建议。
[Abstract]:The economic and technological development zone is an important innovation in the early stage of reform and opening up in China. Since the establishment of the first national economic and technological development zone in 1984, after 30 years of development, the economic development zone has become a deepening of reform and opening up. Promote regional development and strategic planning, promote industrial optimization and structural adjustment of an important force. Economic development zone is not only an economic region, but also a typical and relatively independent administrative region. Its special features are not only limited to the particularity of policy, but also reflected in the particularity of its management system. With the overall development of China's economy and the formation of all-directional opening pattern, the dominant advantage of the development zone based on preferential policies is gradually weakened, and the management system of the development zone is faced with many new problems and new contradictions. Therefore, it has important theoretical and practical significance to study the innovation of economic development zone management system. Gansu Province is an underdeveloped region in the west. As the first state-level economic and technological development zone in Gansu Province, Lanzhou Economic and technological Development Zone has a late start and less experience. The research on the economic development zone is far from that of other developed regions. In the management system innovation aspect is in a preliminary exploration stage. Based on this, this paper explores the innovation of the management system of the second class park of Lanzhou Economic and technological Development Zone under the new situation, so that it can continue to exert its advantages after localizing management, and make further contribution to making the first leap over the new situation of development. Taking the Anning Park of Lanzhou Economic and technological Development Zone as the research sample, this paper expounds the necessity of studying the innovation of the management system of the Economic Development Zone. This paper briefly reviews the development course and management system characteristics of the economic development zone, combs the evolution of the management system of Lanzhou economic and technological development zone, and emphatically analyzes the present situation of the management system of Anning Park in Lanzhou Economic and technological Development Zone. In view of the problems, this paper draws lessons from the advanced experiences of other economic development zones in China, and puts forward some suggestions for the innovation of the management system of the parks according to the actual situation of the parks.


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