发布时间:2019-03-17 19:41
【摘要】:产业带县域经济发展是当前全球区域经济发展过程中显现出来的一个显著特征之一。其形成初期,受区位环境、政策环境、经济发展方向等环境条件的影响,企业向某一优势区位集中,形成若干城市产业集中区和以点状为特征的企业区域中心。随着发展壮大,企业在运营过程不断向外扩张、扩散,形成一条带状的、链条式的产业集中区域,形成了产业带,进而带动相关县域经济发展。因此,研究产业带县域经济发展具有重要的现实指导意义。 本文在阐述县域经济和产业带相关理论的基础上,按照起步发展阶段、兴起阶段、快速发展阶段三个节点,对哈牡绥(东)对俄经贸产业带县域经济发展历程进行分析,对发展现状进行研究。在论文的主体部分,采用规范分析和实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,运用SWOT企业战略分析方法,通过大量例证深入分析了哈牡绥(东)产业带县域经济的优势因素、劣势因素、机遇因素和挑战因素,从而形成建设具有创新能力和国际竞争力的进出口加工产业集群、建设黑龙江省具有保税和跨境功能的新型产业基地、建设全国对俄经贸科技合作先导区和打通“东北第二出海口”四个方向目标,,提出实行制度创新,建设协调保障体系;探索建立产业带沿线城市科学合理的利益共享分配机制;建立统筹规划、协调发展机制;积极争取国家和省的支持;坚持项目带动;优化人才环境等对策及建议,为相关决策提供参考。
[Abstract]:The development of industrial belt county economy is one of the prominent characteristics in the process of global regional economic development. In the early stage of its formation, affected by the environmental conditions such as location environment, policy environment, economic development direction and other environmental conditions, enterprises concentrated towards a certain dominant location, forming a number of urban industrial concentration areas and enterprise regional centers characterized by dot shape. With the development and growth of enterprises, the enterprises continue to expand and spread in the process of operation, forming a banded, chain-shaped industrial concentration area, forming an industrial belt, and then driving the development of the related county economy. Therefore, the study of industrial development of county economy has important practical guiding significance. On the basis of expounding the related theories of county economy and industrial belt, according to the three nodes of initial development stage, rising stage and rapid development stage, this paper analyzes the development course of Hamusui (East) county economy of Russian economic and trade industry belt, and makes an analysis of the development course of the county economy of the economic and trade belt of Russia. To carry on the research to the development present situation. In the main part of the thesis, the method of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the method of SWOT enterprise strategy analysis are adopted. Through a large number of examples, this paper deeply analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenge factors of the county economy in Hamusui (East) Industrial Belt, so as to form an import and export processing industrial cluster with innovative ability and international competitiveness. To build a new industrial base with the functions of bonded and cross-border in Heilongjiang Province, to build a national leading area for economic, trade and scientific cooperation with Russia and to open up the "second exit of Northeast China" in four directions, to put forward system innovation and to build a coordinated guarantee system; Explore the establishment of scientific and reasonable distribution mechanism of benefit sharing in cities along the industrial belt; set up the overall planning and coordinated development mechanism; actively win the support of the state and province; adhere to the project drive; Optimize the talent environment and other countermeasures and suggestions to provide reference for relevant decision-making.
[Abstract]:The development of industrial belt county economy is one of the prominent characteristics in the process of global regional economic development. In the early stage of its formation, affected by the environmental conditions such as location environment, policy environment, economic development direction and other environmental conditions, enterprises concentrated towards a certain dominant location, forming a number of urban industrial concentration areas and enterprise regional centers characterized by dot shape. With the development and growth of enterprises, the enterprises continue to expand and spread in the process of operation, forming a banded, chain-shaped industrial concentration area, forming an industrial belt, and then driving the development of the related county economy. Therefore, the study of industrial development of county economy has important practical guiding significance. On the basis of expounding the related theories of county economy and industrial belt, according to the three nodes of initial development stage, rising stage and rapid development stage, this paper analyzes the development course of Hamusui (East) county economy of Russian economic and trade industry belt, and makes an analysis of the development course of the county economy of the economic and trade belt of Russia. To carry on the research to the development present situation. In the main part of the thesis, the method of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the method of SWOT enterprise strategy analysis are adopted. Through a large number of examples, this paper deeply analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenge factors of the county economy in Hamusui (East) Industrial Belt, so as to form an import and export processing industrial cluster with innovative ability and international competitiveness. To build a new industrial base with the functions of bonded and cross-border in Heilongjiang Province, to build a national leading area for economic, trade and scientific cooperation with Russia and to open up the "second exit of Northeast China" in four directions, to put forward system innovation and to build a coordinated guarantee system; Explore the establishment of scientific and reasonable distribution mechanism of benefit sharing in cities along the industrial belt; set up the overall planning and coordinated development mechanism; actively win the support of the state and province; adhere to the project drive; Optimize the talent environment and other countermeasures and suggestions to provide reference for relevant decision-making.
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