[Abstract]:It is of great significance to promote the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and excavate the financial power of the green development. The comprehensive index is used to measure the degree of financial development, and the non-radial direction distance function is used to measure the green total factor productivity. Taking 40 counties in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River economic belt, where the ecological problems are prominent and the finance is underdeveloped, 40 counties are taken as samples. The influence of county finance on green total factor productivity is estimated. It is found that the county finance is not developed, but the overall level is on the rise, green total factor productivity (TFP) increases by 0.6% annually, the upstream region is higher than the middle and lower reaches region; Under the whole sample, the county finance promotes the green total factor productivity growth through the green technology progress effect; The county finance in the middle and lower reaches promotes the progress of green total factor productivity, while the county finance in the upstream region inhibits the growth of green total factor productivity, and the influence of county finance on green total factor productivity increases after 2008.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心;重庆财经职业学院金融系;
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