[Abstract]:All sides generally advocate the marketization method to solve the problem of overcapacity in China, but the principle and safeguard measures of the market to resolve the overcapacity, especially the policy system of the marketization method to resolve the overcapacity requirement, is not clear. This paper excavates and combs the concept, principle and analysis of overcapacity in economics, reveals the factors that induce the actual capacity to deviate from the market equilibrium, analyzes the principle that the market can resolve the overcapacity through its own mechanism and adjust the overcapacity, and puts forward the long-term mechanism and safeguard measures for the market to resolve the overcapacity. From the perspective of microeconomics, overcapacity is a deviation from the market equilibrium, and the reason for the deviation from the market equilibrium lies in the lack of market system and improper government intervention. It is emphasized that the use of market mechanism to resolve overcapacity, restore and strengthen the decisive role of the market in the regulation of supply and demand, and the decision of the market on winners and losers is not to negate the institutional guarantee role of the government in resolving excess capacity. Both the market and the government have limitations, and neither the market nor the government can solve the problem of overcapacity alone. The market and the government are not substitute relations in resolving overcapacity, not one mechanism replaces another mechanism, but need to play their respective roles at the same time. The market is the decision maker to adjust the supply and demand balance of production capacity, and the government should provide institutional guarantee for the effective operation of the market. The market to resolve the overcapacity requires the government to provide institutional guarantee and construct an institutional system that enables the market subject to decide to enter and exit independently and then adjust the production capacity under the condition of clear boundary and effective constraints and incentives. The policy meaning of this paper is that there is too much market regulation and intervention in the current measures to resolve overcapacity. The most fundamental thing to resolve overcapacity is not to introduce many specific measures, but to improve the role of the government, strengthen the binding and incentive nature of relevant policies, focus on improving the role of the government in reducing barriers to market entry and exit, competitive allocation of immovable factors of production and internalization of external costs, and reverse the practice of local governments in protecting local enterprises through subsidies and deregulation of environmental regulation. To provide institutional guarantee for the market to independently adjust production capacity and achieve a balance between supply and demand of production capacity.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院工业经济研究所;中国社会科学院研究生院工业经济系;
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