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发布时间:2018-06-11 19:11

  本文选题:国有企业 + 内部审计 ; 参考:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Actively promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises, activating the operational efficiency of state-owned capital and enhancing the operational capability of state-owned enterprises is one of the important strategic objectives of the country during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, with the continuous expansion of the industry scope and the promotion of mergers and acquisitions, etc. State-owned enterprise group develops rapidly, easy to appear management confusion, control is weak wait for problem. The use of internal audit can strengthen the management and control of state-owned enterprise groups, but there are few studies on how to effectively construct the internal audit system of state-owned enterprise groups. Under the new situation, the implementation of strategic oriented internal audit is helpful for state-owned enterprises to actively respond to the challenge of slowing economic growth, be more targeted and efficient, and focus on and combine the depth with the identification and dynamic tracking of strategic directions and fields. On the other hand, with the strategic transformation and reform of state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to establish a management and operation mechanism adapted to the strategic objectives, to promote the rational allocation of corporate control rights, and to ensure the implementation of strategic control. To achieve effective corporate governance and add value to the organization. SH Group is a comprehensive state-owned enterprise group, covering trade, investment, real estate, culture, technology industries and other sectors. " During the "12th Five-Year Plan" period, the Group did not pay enough attention to the medium- and long-term development strategy, pursued the business scale and profit growth one-sidedly, the risk events in operation occurred from time to time, and the ability of management and control was not strong. The post-audit focusing on financial indicators can not fully meet the needs of management, can not make a comprehensive and scientific evaluation of the group's business activities, and lacks the existing internal audit system of the strategic .SH group to be designed at the top level. Elements and business development can not adapt to the new requirements of strategic development and internal and external environment changes, so it is particularly necessary to build a development-oriented internal audit system. Based on the analysis of SH Group's development strategy and internal and external environment, this paper studies the construction of SH Group's strategic oriented internal audit system framework from three levels of strategic management and two dimensions of internal audit system components. On the one hand, the internal audit covers the whole process of strategic management, on the other hand, it provides a specific implementation path from the four subsystems of organization, business, process and culture, information construction, talent security, etc. It provides some assurance for SH Group to improve the efficiency of internal audit, perfect internal control and corporate governance, guard against management risk, and finally realize the strategic goal.


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