本文选题:信息系统安全审计 + 现状 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 全文共分四章,主要是探讨了信息系统安全审计的概念、特点、内容、方法与流程,论证了在我国开展信息系统安全审计的必要性与可行性,再通过对信息系统安全审计在国内外发展现状的分析与研究,揭示出我国信息系统安全审计在发展过程中存在的问题,最后提出关于我国信息系统安全审计发展的策略建议。 第一章引言。首先提出了选题的意义,接着在第二节阐述了国内外开展信息系统安全审计的现状,以美国为例,阐述了国外安全审计工作的规范性,以及我国的信息系统安全审计与国外相比还有很大差距。 第二章信息系统安全问题审计的理论体系。首先阐述了信息系统安全的含义,接着在第二节阐述了信息系统安全问题审计的含义,指出信息系统安全问题审计是信息系统审计的一个分支,应从两方面来理解信息系统安全问题审计的含义。接着阐述了信息系统安全问题审计的程序,包括:确定审计的范围;了解被审系统的基本情况;对审计范围内的信息系统进行安全风险评估;制定审计的计划;实施信息系统安全问题的审计;编写审计报告。 第三章信息系统安全问题审计实务。首先阐述了信息系统安全综合审计的审计步骤,包括:环境安全审计;物理安全审计;逻辑安全审计;操作控制安全审计。接着阐述了电子商务系统安全问题审计的审计程序。 第四章关于我国信息系统安全审计问题的战略思考。首先阐述了我国信息系统安全审计存在的问题,,包括两大方面:一是我国开展信息系统安全审计的力度不够深入,二是我国信息系统审计准则的差距。接着在第二节阐述了对开展我国信息系统安全审计的几点建议,包括:加强专业审计人才的培养;加强安全审计意识,针对我国国情,建立系统的安全培训计划;健全法律法规作为信息系统安全的保障;构建我国信息系统审计准则的建议。
[Abstract]:The full text is divided into four chapters. It mainly discusses the concept, characteristics, contents, methods and processes of the information system security audit, demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of carrying out the information system security audit in our country, and then through the analysis and Research on the development status of the information system security audit at home and abroad, and reveals that the security audit of the information system in China is issued. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions on the development of information system security audit in China.
The first chapter is introduction. First, the significance of the topic is put forward, and then the status of the security audit of information system at home and abroad is expounded in the second section. As an example of the United States, the standardization of foreign security audit work is expounded, and there is a big gap between China's information system security audit and foreign countries.
The second chapter is the theoretical system of the information system security audit. First, it expounds the meaning of the information system security, and then expounds the meaning of the information system security audit in the second section. It points out that the audit of the information system security is a branch of the information system audit, and should understand the audit of the information system security issues from two aspects. Then it expounds the procedures of the audit of the information system security issues, including: determining the scope of the audit, understanding the basic situation of the audited system, assessing the security risk of the information system within the scope of the audit, formulating the audit plan, implementing the audit of the security problems of the information system, and writing the audit report.
The third chapter is the audit practice of the information system security problem. First, it expounds the audit steps of the comprehensive security audit of the information system, including the environmental security audit, the physical security audit, the logical security audit and the operation control security audit. Then the audit procedure of the electronic business system security audit is expounded.
The fourth chapter is about the strategic thinking about the security audit of China's information system. First, it expounds the existing problems of our country's information system security audit, including two aspects: first, the strength of our country's information system security audit is not thorough enough, and the two is the gap of the information system auditing standards of our country. Then, in the second section, I have elaborated on the development of my information system. Some suggestions on national information system security audit include: strengthening the training of professional audit personnel, strengthening the awareness of safety audit, establishing a systematic safety training plan in accordance with the national conditions of our country, perfecting the laws and regulations as the security of information system, and constructing the suggestions for the evaluation of the information system of our country.
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