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发布时间:2018-06-30 06:42

  本文选题:内部审计 + 内部审计制度创设 ; 参考:《会计之友》2017年02期

[Abstract]:The creation of internal audit system refers to the establishment of internal audit system by whom, the creation mode includes owner creation, management creation and compulsory creation. Logically, owner creation takes precedence, management creates second, and compulsion creates last. The internal audit potential demand is strong and accords with the cost-benefit principle is the general creation condition, the different creator's creation motive force and the ability is the key condition factor, the internal audit latent demand is strong and accords with the cost benefit principle is the general establishment condition, the different creator's creation motive force and the ability is the key condition factor. The key to the emergence of owner creation is its creation power and ability, and the key to management creation is its power. The key to the emergence of mandatory creation is its estimation of the potential demand for internal audit and the estimation of whether the owner and the management can be created. The above theoretical framework can explain the establishment of internal audit system in different situations in real life.
【作者单位】: 南京审计大学审计科学研究院;
【基金】:全国会计科研重点项目(2015KJA019) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程二期项目“现代审计科学”


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