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发布时间:2018-07-22 16:04
【摘要】: 自从注册会计师审计制度诞生以来,审计质量就一直是人们关注的焦点,只是在不同时期人们对这个问题的关注程度有所不同。从2001年下半年以来,世界范围内接连发生了一系列上市公司财务欺诈案件,使注册会计师的行业声誉受到了前所未有的冲击。同时期我国证券市场也相继发生了银广夏、黎明股份、麦科特等一批上市公司的造假丑闻。国内外的造假丑闻纷纷传来,愈演愈烈。可以说,在全球范围内,注册会计师的审计质量遭到公众的普遍置疑,独立审计的社会公信力遭到严重破坏,注册会计师的社会声誉遭到前所未有的重创,引发了注册会计师行业严重的信任危机。人们在剖析和反思注册会计师没有发现和披露上市公司会计欺诈从而发生审计失败的原因时,时常提到的一个问题就是审计任期与审计质量的关系,引起审计质量低下。为此,国内外出现了一系列针对注册会计师行业的改革举措,其中一项措施就是强制轮换制度。该问题是近年来监管当局、学术界、实务界等普遍关注的一个重要问题。我国监管机构也于2004年要求实行签字注册会计师强制轮换。 为了提高审计质量,审计师、审计项目负责人以及事务所的强制轮换制度已为国内外监管者所重视或采用。然而,审计师轮换是否真正能提高审计质量却是见仁见智,尚无一致性结论,需要用实证证据评估审计师轮换对审计质量的影响。那么在中国的审计市场上,2003年10月中国证监会和财政部联合发布的《关于证券期货业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》对审计质量产生了什么样的影响呢?由于中国特有的法制环境、市场秩序、制度背景等,美国学者早期研究的实证结果不一定代表中国的实际情况。鉴于此,本文的主要目的就是要探讨在中国的背景下,注册会计师强制轮换与审计质量的关联性,及其在何种程度上对提高审计质量起到促进作用加以研究和论证,以期为此提供一些经验证据。 1.主要内容和观点 审计质量一直是人们关注的焦点。围绕实行签字注册会计师强制轮换制度是否能提高审计质量这个中心,本文分为六章加以论证,主要内容与观点如下: 第一章前言 本章首先介绍了本论文的研究背景。 其次,介绍论文的研究思路、内容、方法及特点。本文关于签字注册会计师强制轮换对审计质量影响的分析,理论部分主要是围绕注册会计师审计质量的重要性及强制轮换制度在我国实施的必要性这两方面展开的。实证部分利用统计分析中的描述性统计和Logistic回归模型对于本文提出的基本假设进行了检验,并建立了签字注册会计师强制轮换与审计质量关系的模型,运用统计分析的方法对本文提出的假设进行论证。主要采用的研究方法包括:文献回顾与评价、实证分析与规范分析相结合。 第二章文献综述 本章首先对国内外相关文献进行回顾,归纳总结到目前为止国内外学者在强制轮换与审计质量关系这一问题上得出的研究结论,以此来明确论文的研究基础及突破方向。 第三章注册会计师审计质量的研究评述 本章首先阐述了审计质量的内涵、影响因素及其技术性和独立性两个特征。然后,结合我国的实际情况,论述了注册会计师审计质量的重要意义。这一章的主要目的是明确研究主体的核心内容及本篇论文的研究价值。 第四章强制轮换对审计质量影响的理论分析 本章在前面所述的理论分析的基础上,首先对本论文的核心概念“强制轮换”加以诠释和界定,即强制审计轮换是指为了提高审计独立性,根据相关的法律法规,规定签字注册为某一相关机构提供审计服务的最长年限(五年),待到此规定期限时,对为该上市公司进行审计的签字注册会计师进行强制更换的一项措施。 其次,笔者从五个方面论述了在我国实施签字注册会计师强制轮换的内在必要性,即:强制轮换有利于审计角色的形式独立,有利于形成并强化审计工作的实质独立,它可以塑造“交接”意识,可以提升审计团队整体素质,可以预防违规行为。 最后,强制轮换作为一项制度安排,各国都给予了一定程度的重视。本文对该项制度在世界各国的应用情况进行了阐述,以期获得一些可供借鉴的经验。 本章是本篇论文的核心内容之一,与第三章一并是全文的理论基础。 第五章实证分析 本章是论文的核心部分,也是该篇论文的创新之处。在第一部分的研究动机和研究假设中,明确了本论文试图以签字注册会计师在上市公司审计业务中的签字行为为切入点,通过实证研究来考察《关于证券期货审计业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》在实际工作中运行的有效性,即签字注册会计师强制轮换对于提高审计质量作用的有效性。在前面理论分析的基础上,提出了本文的研究假设——实行签字注册会计师强制轮换制度能够提高审计质量。 在第二部分的研究设计中,由于签字注册会计师强制轮换政策于2004年1月1日起实施,自2003年报审计起生效,也即适用于2003年年度报告审计中的签字报告行为,因此本文拟选取2003年、2004年的A股上市公司作为研究样本。借鉴Myers,Myers和Omer(2003)及陈信元、夏立军(2006)的方法,即采用盈余管理计量模型估计出的经注册会计师审计后的操控性应计利润的绝对值来衡量审计质量。最后,本文参考国内外研究学者关于强制轮换与审计质量之间关系的模型,并结合本文实际的研究内容,构建了强制轮换对审计质量影响的模型,使用Logistic回归分析方法检验强制轮换对能否提高审计质量。 模型如下: |DAi|=β0+β1Switchi+β2Big10i+β3Sizei+β4ROAi+β5DebtRi+β6Agei+β7Year03i+εi 第六章研究结论及政策建议 第五章的实证研究结果表明,在控制了其他变量的影响后,签字注册会计师强制轮换与审计质量成正相关关系,虽然相关系数较小,但这并不能否定强制轮换制度对于提高审计质量的作用,说明目前实施签字注册会计师强制轮换制度只在一定程度上对提高审计质量产生促进作用。 笔者还结合我国的实际情况,分析了强制轮换制度在实际执行中出现的问题,也就是导致强制轮换制度未能对提高审计质量发挥很好的促进作用的原因。主要原因有:(1)强制轮换导致签字注册会计师专业胜任能力的部分损失;(2)强制轮换导致审计成本的提高,增加了审计失败的风险;(3)强制轮换可能会掩盖和导致某些上市公司的欺诈行为;(4)多数上市公司未按规定执行强制轮换制度。 笔者针对上述情况提出几点相关的政策建议:(1)加强注册会计师职业道德培训;(2)加快我国会计师事务所发展的步伐,壮大高素质专业人员的队伍;(3)构建审计委员会聘请审计师的模式,以提高审计师的独立性;(4)尽快制定相应惩罚措施,保证强制轮换制度的有效实施。最后,总结了本论文的研究意义及不足之处。 2、主要贡献 关于审计强制轮换与审计质量的学术文献,主要以发达国家的市场作为研究背景,缺乏对新兴证券市场尤其是中国市场的研究。本文的研究正是基于以上不足,抓住强制轮换制度争论的核心问题,构建了审计强制轮换与审计质量之间关系的Logistic回归分析模型,对中国证券市场的数据资料整理分析,进行了一些新的尝试。本文的选题具有一定的新颖性和现实性,同时,也希望本文的研究有助于中国证券市场监管者增进对我国的强制轮换制度与审计质量关系的了解,从而有助于其改进监管,提高审计独立性。 (1)论文选题:本论文选题具有一定的探索性和前瞻性。根据对相关文献不完全统计,国内关于强制轮换对审计质量影响的专门文献还比较少,而且多数研究文献为规范研究及关于事务所轮换的研究,以我国《关于证券期货业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》这项制度为背景的研究则更少。本论文较为全面的探讨了该问题,具有一定的探索性和前瞻性。 (2)研究视角:本论文的研究视角较新。关于强制轮换的相关研究多数是以事务所轮换为主,与以往的研究角度有所不同,本论文以2003年10月财政部颁布的《关于证券期货审计业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》为背景,探讨注册会计师强制轮换对审计质量的影响这个问题。这是个比较新的视角。 (3)研究方法:本论文采用的是规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法对主题进行了较为深入的探讨。通过理论分析,初步阐述了实行强制轮换对审计质量所产生的影响;通过实证分析,验证二者的关系及强制轮换对审计质量影响的程度。并且,在实证模型中,本文提出签字注册会计师强制轮换(Switch,虚拟变量)这个变量,作为检验强制轮换对审计质量影响的重要解释变量。本文所采用的两种方法互相印证,增强了论据的说服力,有利的支持了所论证的命题。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of CPA audit system , the quality of audit has been the focus of people ' s attention , but people ' s attention is different in different periods .

In order to improve the quality of audit , the auditor , the principal of the audit program and the mandatory rotation system of the firm have been attached to or adopted by the supervisors at home and abroad . However , whether the auditor ' s rotation really can improve the quality of audit is not necessarily representative of China ' s actual situation . In view of China ' s unique legal environment , market order , institutional background , etc . , the main purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the mandatory rotation of CPA and the quality of audit in the context of China and how to improve the quality of audit to some extent , so as to provide some empirical evidence for this purpose .

1 . Main content and perspectives

The quality of audit has always been the focus of people ' s attention . This paper is divided into six chapters to prove whether the compulsory rotation system of certified public accountants can improve the quality of audit . The main contents and viewpoints are as follows :

Chapter I Introduction

This chapter introduces the research background of this paper first .

Secondly , the paper introduces the research thoughts , contents , methods and characteristics of the paper . The paper analyzes the influence of the compulsory rotation of the certified public accountants on the quality of audit . The theoretical part is mainly about the importance of the audit quality of CPA and the necessity of the compulsory rotation system in our country . The empirical part uses the descriptive statistics and Logistic regression model in the statistical analysis to verify the basic hypothesis proposed in this paper . The paper discusses the hypothesis proposed in this paper by means of statistical analysis . The research methods include : literature review and evaluation , positive analysis and normative analysis .

Chapter II Literature Review

Firstly , this chapter reviews the relevant literatures at home and abroad , and summarizes the research conclusions drawn up to date by scholars both at home and abroad on the relationship between forced rotation and audit quality .

Chapter III : A Review of the Audit Quality of Certified Public Accountants

This chapter first expounds the connotation of audit quality , the influencing factors and its technical and independence characteristics , then discusses the important meaning of CPA ' s auditing quality in combination with the actual situation of our country . The main purpose of this chapter is to make clear the core content of the subject and the research value of this paper .

The Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Forced Rotation on Audit Quality

On the basis of the previous theoretical analysis , this chapter interprets and defines the " mandatory rotation " of the core concept of the thesis , that is , to enhance the independence of the audit , and to provide the longest service life ( five years ) for the audit services provided by a relevant institution in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations . When the time limit is to be reached , a measure for compulsory replacement of the certified public accountant for audit of the listed company is made .

Secondly , the author discusses the internal necessity of compulsory rotation of certified public accountants in China from five aspects , namely , compulsory rotation is beneficial to the form of audit role , which is beneficial to the formation and strengthening of the substantive independence of the audit work . It can mold the " hand over " consciousness , and can improve the overall quality of the audit team and prevent violations .

Finally , compulsory rotation as a system arrangement , all countries have given a certain degree of attention . This paper expounds the application of the system in all countries of the world , with a view to obtaining some experience that can be used for reference .

This chapter is one of the core contents of this thesis , together with the third chapter is the theoretical basis of the full text .

Chapter V Positive Analysis

This chapter is the core part of the thesis , and it is the innovation of this thesis . In the first part of the research motivation and research hypothesis , it is clear that this paper attempts to take the signature act of the signed certified public accountant in the audit business of the listed company as the entry point , and through the empirical research , the validity of the periodical rotation of the signed certified public accountant is investigated .

In the second part of the research and design , since the signing of the compulsory rotation policy of the certified public accountants came into effect on January 1 , 2004 , the audit quality was measured since the audit in 2003 , that is , the absolute value of the audited accounting profit after the audit of the certified public accountants , which was estimated by the surplus management measurement model .

The model is as follows :

螖DAi 伪 = 尾0 + 尾1showchi + 尾2Daxil + 尾3Sizei + 尾4ROAi + 尾5尾tRi + 尾6E蔚i + 尾71803i + 蔚i

Chapter 6 Study conclusions and policy recommendations

In the fifth chapter , the empirical research results show that , after the influence of other variables is controlled , the positive correlation between the mandatory rotation and the audit quality of the signed certified public accountants , although the correlation coefficient is small , does not negate the role of the compulsory rotation system in improving the quality of audit .

The author also analyzes the problems in the actual implementation of the compulsory rotation system in combination with the actual situation of our country , that is , it leads to the failure of the compulsory rotation system to play a good role in improving the quality of audit .

In the light of the above situation , the author puts forward some relevant policy suggestions : ( 1 ) strengthening the professional ethics training of CPA ; ( 2 ) speeding up the development of China ' s accounting firms , strengthening the contingent of high - quality professionals ; ( 3 ) constructing the auditing committee to hire auditors to improve the independence of auditors ; and ( 4 ) developing corresponding punishment measures as soon as possible to ensure the effective implementation of the compulsory rotation system . Finally , the significance and shortcomings of this paper are summarized .

2 . Main Contribution

On the basis of the deficiency of the market in the developed countries and the lack of a logistic regression analysis model for the relationship between the mandatory rotation and the quality of audit , this paper constructs a logistic regression model for the relationship between the mandatory rotation and the quality of audit , and also hopes that the research in this paper will help the Chinese security market regulator to improve the understanding of the relationship between the compulsory rotation system and the audit quality of our country , thus helping to improve the supervision and improve the independence of the audit .

( 1 ) The topic of the thesis is that this thesis has certain exploratory and forward - looking . According to incomplete statistics of relevant literatures , there are few special documents on the impact of forced rotation on audit quality .

( 2 ) From the perspective of research , the research angle of this thesis is relatively new . Most of the relevant researches on compulsory rotation are mainly based on the rotation of the firms , which is different from the previous research angle . In October 2003 , the paper discusses the effect of compulsory rotation of CPA on the quality of audit . This is a new perspective .

( 3 ) The research method : This thesis adopts the combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis to deeply discuss the subject . Through theoretical analysis , this paper expounds the influence of compulsory rotation on the quality of audit . In the empirical model , this paper puts forward the variable of compulsory rotation ( Switch , virtual variable ) of signing registered accountant as an important explanatory variable of the influence of forced rotation on audit quality .


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8 胡跃明;探索新思路 提升经责审计质量[N];中国审计报;2011年

9 特约通讯员 任文利 段晓晨;永清县:四个环节提升审计质量[N];廊坊日报;2011年

10 朴文松;提升经济责任审计质量[N];图们江报;2011年

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3 汪军;上市公司审计质量研究[D];西南农业大学;2003年

4 王进朝;高管更换、审计委员设立与审计质量[D];西南交通大学;2011年

5 孙坤;独立审计质量保证论[D];东北财经大学;2003年

6 马莉;论审计师行业专长及其对审计质量的影响[D];东北财经大学;2011年

7 剧杰;降低审计质量的审计行为研究[D];南京大学;2010年

8 叶少琴;中国上市公司注册会计师审计质量研究[D];厦门大学;2002年

9 刘学华;管理舞弊控制与审计质量[D];西南财经大学;2007年

10 彭桃英;审计质量与审计市场行为主体关系研究[D];中南大学;2005年

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2 张育;注册会计师法律责任风险对审计质量的影响研究[D];山西财经大学;2011年

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7 田桂凡;强制轮换对审计质量影响的实证研究[D];西南财经大学;2007年

8 卫泽魁;审计期望差距的哲学思考[D];天津财经学院;2005年

9 孙俊奇;审计行业专业性与审计质量的相关性分析[D];江西财经大学;2010年

10 陈小梅;强制轮换对审计质量影响的实证研究[D];湖南大学;2008年




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