[Abstract]:Wenjiang, located in the western Chengdu city of Sichuan Province, is a rich and abundant natural condition on the Chengdu plain. It has always been the political, economic and cultural town of Western Sichuan, Yufu culture, ancient Shu civilization, four thousand years' grinding, and accumulated profound historical and cultural background. Now, in the rapid development of Wenjiang, the flow of information, funds and talent flows into the high speed development. The eight industrial districts have promoted the adjustment and transformation of the economic structure, and become a modern and international western new town close to the central city of Chengdu. It has been in the top ten of the county (District) economic comprehensive strength for 12 years in a row and ranked among the top 100 counties (districts) for 6 years in a row. From the perspective of the audit, the work of Wenjiang is extraordinary, 2009. As the advanced collective of national audit system, the construction of "integration of financial audit" has obtained the affirmation and attention of the national counterparts. In the historical process of "coordinating urban and rural economic and social development and promoting the integration of urban and rural areas" in Chengdu, Wenjiang has moved towards a more advanced development target and more advanced development model. In this economic and social situation and the humanistic environment, how should the auditors of Wenjiang make a further contribution and make new contributions to the construction of "gold Wenjiang" in this economic and social situation and in the humanistic environment? From a new point of view, this topic is from a new perspective. Interpretation of rich and profound Wenjiang character and Wenjiang spirit.
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