[Abstract]:Deepening financial performance audit to improve audit supervision level is the objective requirement of the development of national audit, and it is also the strategic thinking to deal with the post-financial crisis. At the same time, it is necessary to explore the independent type of government financial performance audit while carrying out the financial revenue and expenditure benefit audit under the existing public management condition in our country. The improvement of the environmental basis determines the possibility, economy, law and political nature of carrying out the government financial performance audit in depth. In order to deepen the performance audit, the government's performance evaluation index and economic performance should be regarded as the main object of audit, and the determination of audit object and content is the basic technical premise. At the technical level, we should solve the problems of audit object and content, the determination of performance index and standard, the method of audit evaluation and so on. In practice, it is necessary to innovate the ways and methods of audit evaluation and carry out government financial performance audit with advanced auditing methods.
【作者单位】: 海南省审计厅;
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