[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the audit yearbooks and the statistics data of the local audit institutions and the economy published by the National Bureau of Statistics from 2006 to 2014. Comparing the punishment execution rate of government audit in different years with the corresponding violations in the later period and the later punishment execution rate, The results show that the financial execution rate has a significant deterrent effect on the later irregularities of the audited units and the implementation of the following period, while the other three types of punishment enforcement effect is not obvious. This paper puts forward some relevant suggestions: the standardization of audit system, the publicity of audit information, the equal emphasis of punishment for illegal treatment, the implementation of audit rectification and reform, and the rationalization of budget making system.
【作者单位】: 牡丹江师范学院;
【基金】:牡丹江师范学院2016年科研项目“新内部审计准则实施下的我国高校审计风险及防范研究”(项目编号:QN201612) 牡丹江市社会科学课题项目2016年项目“我国风险投资税收政策研究”(项目编号:160107)阶段性研究成果
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