[Abstract]:The internal audit of the general contracting project is that the internal audit department or personnel of the general contracting enterprise checks the internal control system in the whole process of the project, evaluates the authenticity of the system information, the legitimacy and soundness of the system control, and puts forward the audit suggestions. To improve and perfect the internal control of the project and assist the high-level decision-making, it plays a very important role in the whole process of the project management. On the basis of expounding the management process and internal audit theory of general contracting project, taking the EPC model as an example, this paper aims at the present situation of heavy financial audit and cost audit in the internal audit of general contracting project, which is mainly to check mistakes and guard against malpractices. From the five management processes of project bidding, design management, procurement management, construction management and completion acceptance, this paper emphatically analyzes the audit basis, audit contents and audit steps of the general contracting project. Taking the specific general contracting project of company A as an example, this paper makes an empirical analysis of internal audit, evaluates the internal control system of general contracting project of company A, and puts forward some management suggestions. Through the empirical application, the author draws some enlightenment to the internal audit of the general contracting enterprise: the internal audit of the general contracting project is a systematic project, which requires that the audit of each management process is not only relatively independent, but also systematic. Main performance in the relative independent management process audit before and after the convergence of the work of information sharing work. The internal audit of general contracting project should be changed from financial audit and cost audit to management audit, and its function should be changed from supervision function to service function, and internal auditors should strengthen their familiarity with project management practice. Research and communication. The ultimate goal of internal audit is to improve the business efficiency.
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