[Abstract]:Small-and-medium-sized enterprises are the driving force for Taiwan's economic take-off, and Taiwan's enterprises are mainly small-and-medium-sized enterprises. With the deepening of mainland economic reform, various regions and countries have come to China to invest. Taiwan-funded enterprises based on the blood of the Chinese nation, to invest in this enterprise is in the road. The financial status of small and medium-sized Taiwan-funded enterprises is characterized by a messy accounting system, a lack of internal control and excessive concentration of management power. Because of the limited human and financial resources, it is not feasible for SMEs to carry out comprehensive audit and set up perfect internal audit institutions on the basis of cost-benefit considerations. However, the operator is completely unprofessional to financial accounting. If there is no internal audit organization in financial accounting, once the malpractice of financial affairs occurs, the allocation of funds in logistics may not be able to pay for it, leading to the closure of the company. For the scale of the small and medium-sized enterprises at this stage, the implementation of the traditional internal audit of financial accounting can not only cost a lot of costs, but also make up for the shortcomings of the operators, so as to achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone. Based on the definition of internal audit at home and abroad and the classification of internal audit at home and abroad, this paper explains the reasons and functions of financial accounting audit in small and medium-sized enterprises. In this paper, through the case finding problems, and then put forward the improvement opinion, the financial statement improvement from the accounting profession education and the establishment of accounting system to improve the management fraud.
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