[Abstract]:In recent years, with the frequent occurrence of auditor changes in the securities market, people from all walks of life pay more and more attention to the causes and adverse economic consequences of auditor changes. It is important to study auditor change for investors and regulators to make better decisions. On the basis of theoretical analysis of auditor voluntary change, this paper uses Wu Liansheng (2005) as a reference and adopts lennox (2000) audit opinion estimation model. This paper makes an empirical study on the reasons and results of the voluntary change of auditors of listed companies in China, and applies the conclusions to the specific supervision of the securities market in China. Audit engagement is an effective supervision system for the principal-agent relationship. The voluntary change of auditors is the result of the active termination of audit contracts by listed companies. Voluntary change of auditors may be the direct reaction of listed companies in financial distress after receiving non-standard unqualified opinions. Of course, the regional characteristics of auditors, the differential characteristics of auditors, the motivation of earnings management of listed companies, Corporate governance structure may also be the reason why listed companies change auditors. On the basis of the existing research, this paper sets the corresponding variables to these factors, and uses the Logistic regression model to test the causes of auditor change in our country. And further studies the auditor voluntary change to audit quality influence. The result of regression analysis shows that the decision of auditor change of listed company depends on the type of audit opinion in the previous period, and it has nothing to do with the improvement of audit opinion expected by the management of the company, and the change of auditor can not bring about the improvement of audit opinion. Therefore, according to the results of empirical research, some constructive suggestions are put forward to improve the quality of accounting information and protect the interests of investors.
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