[Abstract]:Deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises is one of the important contents of the decision of deepening the reform of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Under the background of deepening the reform in an all-round way, combined with the changes caused by the reform of state-owned enterprises, the audit of enterprises will face the challenges of maintaining the safety of state-owned assets, ensuring the implementation of decision-making, and limited audit resources. This paper holds that the enterprise audit should clarify the scope and object of the audit from the theoretical and operational aspects, and take "promoting reform, maintaining safety and promoting development" as the main objective. We will follow up on the implementation of reform policies and measures, pay attention to the transfer of shares in state-owned enterprises, reveal contradictions and risks, expose and investigate major violations and violations, promote the improvement of the governance structure as the focus of audit, and integrate audit projects through innovative supervision methods. We will carry out classified and sub-industry audits, increase follow-up audit efforts, and strengthen computer auditing and other measures to innovate enterprise auditing methods and methods, and constantly enrich and train professional personnel through the improvement of working institutions. Actively use social resources to further strengthen the construction of enterprise audit team.
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