[Abstract]:Since the middle of last century, with the aggravation of market competition and the increase of bankrupt enterprises, the social demand for audit has been expanding. In practice, western countries have produced an audit model centered on risk assessment. It takes the risk assessment as the starting point of all audit work and runs through the whole audit process, and has been widely used in the audit field. In the field of audit in China, especially in the field of internal audit, the application of risk-oriented audit model has not been paid enough attention. At present, under the financial market of separate operation and supervision in China, the trust company is the only financial institution that can span the capital market, the money market and the industrial investment market. The trust company is facing more complex business environment and risk. The traditional internal audit is difficult to meet the requirements of the development of modern enterprises, and risk-oriented internal audit plays an irreplaceable role in risk management and corporate governance. However, in the actual work, there is a lack of ready-made risk-oriented internal audit model, which can not guide the internal audit of trust companies and play its due role effectively. Therefore, it has become more and more important and urgent to study the risk-oriented internal audit, especially the risk-oriented internal audit model, and how to run the risk-oriented audit model through the whole process of internal audit. This is a question we need to explore. Based on the analysis of the present situation and causes of internal audit of trust companies, this paper discusses how to improve the internal audit of trust companies in China, and focuses on how to construct risk-oriented internal audit in trust companies. In order to provide some help for the successful implementation of the risk-oriented audit model in the field of internal audit of trust companies in China.
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