本文关键词:X公司老年化住宅产品的定位研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China's aging population is becoming more and more serious. According to the existing aging population, experts predict a five-year period from 2011 to 2015. The country's elderly aged 60 and above will continue to increase by 8.6 million a year, to 221 million by 2015, and the proportion of the elderly population to the national population will increase from 13.3% to 16%. At present, the rapid aging of the population in China will make the traditional pension model change greatly. Because of their own needs for pension, medical support, life support and care, spiritual life requirements continue to grow, will cause a serious imbalance between the supply and demand of old-age facilities. Therefore, we need to determine the development direction of Chengdu aging housing. In the research, we choose three aspects to study, including: overseas mature market of the elderly housing market research. The market supply and demand situation and the development situation of the elderly community in China and the present situation of the aged housing market in Chengdu. We have a mature policy on the elderly housing market in Asia, Europe and the United States and other countries (regions). Programmes should be analysed and studied; Under the background of our country becoming an aging country and the increasing of the urban middle and high income group, the development of the elderly community in our country has been paid more and more attention in the past two years, but how big is the potential demand and the effective demand? What is the level of development of existing community projects for the elderly in China? For these problems, we have carried out qualitative and quantitative research; In view of the proportion of the elderly population, housing status, income, elderly housing target customer base, consumer demand, we carried out STP analysis. We get the development direction of Chengdu elderly housing: the market positioning for 55-75 years old, monthly family income of 4000-6000 active elderly community; The location is located in Longquan, Wenjiang, Dujiangyan, Qingchengshan and Chongzhou, which are about 30km away from Chengdu. The function must have the living condition which the environment is beautiful, the climate condition is suitable, the education leisure function which the exchange needs. It has the medical function of large supporting hospital or professional medical station and the special event handling function of property supporting service organization.
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