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发布时间:2018-01-05 23:04

  本文关键词:女性董事对上市公司投资效率的影响研究 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 女性董事 投资效率 上市公司 性别差异

[Abstract]:Investment is a necessary means to create and enhance the value of the enterprise, is the starting point for the development of enterprises. In practice, because of information asymmetry and agency costs and other reasons, the company exists the problem of inefficient investment, the specific performance of excessive investment and insufficient investment. At present, our country is in the period of economic transformation, require the company to restructure assets, and gradually the relaxation of investment channels, so the research on the factors influencing the efficiency of investment and to develop targeted help to improve the efficiency of investment strategy is particularly important. The results confirm the ownership concentration, free cash flow, the dividend distribution policy and the level of financial development has certain effects on the efficiency of investment, but the structure of the board of directors especially gender structure whether it will affect the efficiency of investment, still need empirical testing. In recent years, with the participation of women in the board of directors of the degree of enhancement, the role of female directors in corporate governance and With the problems caused by the parties concerned, northern Europe, Western Europe and other countries and even the introduction of the legal requirements of the proportion of serving on the board of directors women. So, female board office whether and to what extent impact on investment efficiency, geographical and cultural background have influence on this effect, need to answer. Based on the above thinking, the application of resource dependence theory, principal-agent theory, stakeholder theory, diversification theory and human capital theory, theory deduction of female directors on investment efficiency of listed companies. At the same time, based on our 2011~2015 A A-share listed companies as a sample, using multiple linear regression analysis method, from the chairman the proportion of female gender, several directors as well as geographical and cultural background, and test the influence of female directors on investment efficiency of listed companies. The research found that: (1) female Of served as chairman of the board can reduce the non efficiency investment company, which improves the efficiency of investment, and to strengthen the role of ownership concentration. However, expand the size of the board of directors will reduce the company's chairman, weakening the role of female non efficiency investment. This shows that improving female directors, can improve the efficiency of the company's investment in a certain extent. (2) the proportion of female directors is too high, will lead to inefficient investment increase, reduce the value of the company. This shows that only improve the board of directors the proportion of women without giving the power, the risk aversion and strict conservative character to a certain extent, will have a negative impact on the efficiency of investment. (3) the proportion of female directors to improve and the introduction of female chairman can reduce the level of business investment to reduce the overinvestment problem. When the enterprise itself inadequate investment, female and female deputy chairman It will enable the company to increase the proportion of investment shortage phenomenon is more serious. (4) the introduction of geographical and cultural background factors, economic development, traditional southern culture high degree of marketization, can inhibit the female weakened the level of investment, avoid enterprise investment is insufficient; the traditional northern cultural and political center, inhibition the role of women can strengthen the chairman on the company's over investment, avoid excessive investment in enterprises. Based on the above conclusions, this paper suggests: (1) the statutory provisions of our country there is no need to develop similar provisions such as Sweden and Norway in the proportion of women directors; (2) have female directors of listed companies should be given more female directors the right to speak, the appointment of female directors served as executive director of the important duties of the company; (3) in the selection of female directors, should consider the influence of company geographical cultural background; (4) China should improve The law of equality between men and women, while protecting women's rights and interests, also makes it possible for female directors to play their role in corporate governance.



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