发布时间:2018-01-07 10:28
本文关键词:基于博弈论的西双版纳州小额贷款公司发展对策研究 出处:《云南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:自2005年开展小额贷款公司试点至今9年来,小额贷款公司搭载改革的春风,冲撞着现行僵化的金融体系,在抑制高利贷、引导民间资本开展金融业务,服务“三农”、中小微企业,,支持实体经济方面起到了十分巨大的作用,取得了显著成绩。小额贷款公司异军突起,已成为了不容小视的新兴金融机构。 但是,作为一个经营货币信用业务的新生机构,随着试点的逐步展开,小额贷款公司本身的问题也逐渐显现,包括性质定位不明、监管归属不清、出路不明确、融资杠杆过低、税费负担过重、监管体制缺失、专业人才匮乏以及社会信用环境有待提高等,这些问题制约了小额贷款公司的可持续发展,小额贷款公司的再发展面临因境。同时,从整体上看,其“扶贫济困、支农支小”的发展初衷也未能完全实现。如何利用好小额贷款公司,发挥这一金融创新机构的作用,引导民间资本用于合理用途,是目前亟待解决的问题。 本文在总结国外小额信贷组织发展模式及经验启示,并对我国小额贷款公司发展现状进行分析的基础上,针对当前制约西双版纳州小贷公司发展的诸多问题,作了详尽的SWOT分析,同时运用博弈论原理,对小贷公司发展中各主体博弈关系作了分析,从政府管理的角度和小贷公司自身建设角度提出了促进小贷公司持续健康发展的对策建议,包括:明确小额贷款公司的法律地位和身份定位、建立普惠制的引导政策,加大政策扶持力度、加强社会信用体系建设,净化金融生态环境、有效拓宽小贷公司融资渠道,建立有效资金供给机制、完善监管体制,构建科学监管框架、稳步推进小额贷款公司的经营转型、端正经营理念,明确市场定位、完善公司法人治理结构,构建良好内部运行机制、加大产品创新力度,增加服务品种、加强专业人才队伍建设等。
[Abstract]:Since 2005 to carry out the pilot micro credit company has 9 years, small loan companies equipped with the spring breeze of reform, the current financial system collides with the rigid, in the suppression of usury, to guide private capital to carry out financial services, service three rural, small and micro enterprises, to support the real economy has played a very important role, has made remarkable achievements. Small loan company has become a new A new force suddenly rises., financial institutions can not be overlooked.
However, as a new organization manages the currency credit service, with the pilot gradually, the small loan company itself also gradually, including the nature of supervision is unknown, unclear, the way is not clear, financial leverage is too low, the tax burden is overweight, lack of supervision system, lack of professional talents and social credit environment needs so, these problems restrict the sustainable development of small loan companies, and the development of small loan companies face difficulties. At the same time, on the whole, the "poverty relief, agriculture support small development intention is not fully realized. How to make good use of small loan companies, play the financial innovation mechanism for reasonable use, to guide private capital, is an urgent problem to be solved.
The mode of development and experience of the summary of foreign microfinance organizations, and the basis of the analysis of the current situation of the development of China's small loan company, aiming at the problems restricting the Xishuangbanna small loan company development, made a detailed analysis of SWOT, at the same time using the principle of game theory, the game for each subject in relation to the development of small loan companies analyzed from the angle of view of government administration and small loan companies own construction and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, to promote the sustained and healthy development of small loan companies, small loan companies include: a clear legal status and identity, establishing GSP policy, increase policy support, strengthening the construction of social credit system, purify the financial ecological environment. Effectively broaden the financing channels for small loan companies, the establishment of effective money supply mechanism, perfect supervision system, constructing scientific and regulatory framework, steadily promote microfinance company The business transformation is to straighten out business philosophy, clear market positioning, improve corporate governance structure, build good internal operation mechanism, increase product innovation, increase service varieties, and strengthen professional talent team construction.
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