本文关键词:我国保障性住房基金运行及模式研究 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:保障性住房作为一个国家住房体系不可或缺的组成部分,由于其承担的公益性和社会性而备受关注。一国政权对保障性住房的投入和准备作为对低收入家庭特殊补贴,对于二次分配的公平性和增加低收入家庭的福利水平均有着重要贡献。过去二十年间我国完成了城镇化率从不到20%到2012年52.57%的巨变,但由于政府对于经济增长和地方政绩的过度关注,民生配套和倾斜力度小,保障房建设并未与商品房建设齐头并进,缺位现象十分严重,随着近年来商品房价格的一路攀升,中低收入人群的住房困难日益凸显,成为新的社会矛盾聚集点。2010年后我国政府对保障性住房关注力度的加大,提出“十二五”期间建设3600万套保障性住房的目标,对我国的住房体系完善产生重大影响和改善。但是由于房屋建设属于资金密集型产业,巨量的资本投入仅以政府之力实难承受,需要刺激民间资本投入保障性住房建设运行。文献研究也表明,由于制度建设不完善和机构设置复杂,政府自建及运营公共事业往往存在效率低下,和资金浪费严重等问题,现在国际上倾向于采用公私合营制的手段运营公共事业。这也为我国保障房建设及运营引入民间资本提供理论依据。 文章分为七部分,结合定性分析、定量分析、对比分析、案例分析等对保障房基金设立的理论、产权安排、合理的保障房覆盖水平、现阶段建设的投融资缺口、保障房基金发展的可行性、基金结构选择、我国现行的法律及制度约束及政策建议作了深刻而详尽的分析。通过分析,得出在我国现阶段发展保障性住房基金的合理性及必要性,并为构建和完善我国的房地产融资手段,向欧美金融发达地区学习,建立可持续的REITs发展路径提供参考。 第一章重点论述了本文的写作背景及写作安排。提出论文的写作背景在于保障性住房建设滞后,中低收入人群住房困难亟需解决,保障房建设资金缺口巨大,融资方式单一。本文的写作在理论上拓展公共物品的融资理论并深化委托-代理理论,对基金层面上发展委托-代理关系提供依据。而保障房基金的设立对于丰富保障房融资的研究成果,解决目前保障房资金困境,提供优质金融产品,形成健康可持续的保障房运行模式有着重要的实践意义。另外还阐述了文章的主要内容、研究思路、研究方法,并对文章的研究重点、研究难点及创新点进行梳理,形成比较清晰的研究框架。 第二章通过对目前国内外涉及保障房基金的各类研究现状进行梳理和总结。主要从“保障房制度建设及经济效应研究现状”、“保障房融资方式及资金缺口计算研究现状”、“关于房地产信托基金研究现状”三个角度,对保障房及基金的理论与实践进行分析,并得出国内外学者对房地产基金的研究更多的是从一般住房和商品房的角度展开,而对保障性住房的金融研究基本停留在拓宽融资渠道的方法层面上。对保障性住房基金的制度安排、筹措方式、操作模式、监管方法和实施细则的研究较少。保障性住房基金的发展对于增加保障房供给,维持房地产市场稳定都有重要的积极作用,是一个具有重要应用价值的前沿课题的结论。 第三章重点阐述保障房民间融资理论。首先对公共物品及其融资理论按其发展进程进行梳理,通过分析得出在产权明晰的情况下,公共物品完全可以通过民间融资来完成,并对民间融资的方式分类探讨,指出不同公私合营制模式下的产权变化,为保障房民间融资提供理论基础。其次,对我国保障房的产权进行梳理,分析不同类型保障性住房的产权模式,厘清不同类型保障房的产权结构及民间资本可运作的范围,分析保障房基金发展的可行性及方案选择。 第四章作为论文的重要章节,详细论述了保障性住房的融资规模,分别从理论规模,实际缺口两方面通过定量计算的方式得出结论。第一节通过对2000-2010年我国29个省市经适房建设面积对我国商品房价格影响的面板数据分析得出经适房建设对商品房价格存在负向影响,且存在因果关系,因此我国提高保障性住房供给能够达到稳定商品房市场的目的。第二节运用门槛模型,通过引入“戴梦得模型”下的收入-消费理论,推导保障房建设水平提高对居民个人实际消费水平的财富效应影响。得出保障房覆盖率财富效应为“倒U型”,理论上存在最优覆盖率水平,使得居民消费水平最优化。然后通过对1999-2010年29省市的面板数据的实证检验,证明分析结论,,并得出合理的保障房覆盖率在20%左右的结论。第三节通过对我国目前保障房融资政策的梳理及融资现状分析,得出保障性住房基金发展必要性结论。即在当前我国的经济水平和社会保障水平下,单独依靠政府力量无法满足保障性住房建设和持续发展的需求,也无法达到合理的保障房覆盖水平,因此需要通过鼓励民间资本的方式融资发展保障房体系,同时保障房基金的出现也有助于加快房地产企业单纯依靠银行贷款的融资困境,为房地产企业和银行双向松绑。第四节则针对我国保障房建设的现状,分析和预测“十二五”期间的建设资金缺口,为确定保障性住房基金初步融资规模提供依据。 第五章分析保障性住房基金的融资结构,通过对国际上通行的REITs结构的分析和我国目前法律法规下的可行性情况,得出我国的保障性住房基金应采取公司型REITs的结论。本章对各类保障性住房的资金投入和回收情况进行分析,从资金周转速度、周转年限和收益水平等方面,通过具体的案例和数据测算,为发展保障性住房基金提供财务依据。另外本章尝试设置保障房基金投资的制度规范,约束所筹资金的投资方向和享受税收优惠的前提以及最低项目持有期限等,规范保障性住房基金运作。 第六章针对目前我国发展保障性住房的体制性障碍提出政策建议。一方面我国应加大标准化资产和信托资产的立法工作,使得创新的金融产品首先做到有法可循,另一方面,需要对涉及保障性住房基金根基的土地产权制度进一步明确细化和完善,从而保证保障房基金存在流转的可能性,第三方面加强投资市场和合格投资者的培育,从市场投资意识和人才方面加强建设,以便培育出成型的保障性住房基金市场。 保障性住房基金的设立无论是从政府、保障性住房运行市场、资本市场还是投资人角度都是一件有意义的举措,保障房信托基金的设立不仅能够解决目前我国大规模建设保障性住房市场,完善保障性住房体系的要求,而且能够形成长期健康的保障性住房运转模式,为我国房地产企业的创新股权融资安排和转变房地产企业的运营方式起到试水和推动作用。
[Abstract]:As an integral part of a nation ' s housing system , affordable housing has been paid close attention because of its public welfare and social nature . In the past two decades , the government has made great contributions to the development of affordable housing and has made great impact on the fairness of secondary distribution and the improvement of the welfare level of low - income families . This article is divided into seven parts , combined with qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis , comparative analysis , case analysis , etc . Chapter one focuses on the writing background and the writing arrangement of this paper . The writing background of this paper is that the construction of affordable housing is lagging behind , and the housing difficulties of middle and low - income people need to be solved urgently . The second chapter analyzes and summarizes the current situation of the research on the real estate funds , and analyzes the theory and practice of the real estate trust fund . The third chapter focuses on the theory of the private finance in the guarantee room . First , the public goods and their financing theories are sorted according to their development process . By the analysis , it is concluded that the public goods can be completed through the private financing , and the way of the private financing is discussed . Secondly , the property right model of different types of safeguard houses is analyzed , the property rights structure of different types of guarantee rooms and the scope of the operation of the private capital can be determined , and the feasibility and the scheme selection of the development of the guarantee housing fund are analyzed . Chapter Two discusses the financing scale of affordable housing by means of quantitative calculation from the aspects of theory scale and actual gap . The fifth chapter analyses the financing structure of the safeguard housing fund , through the analysis of the structure of the international re - market and the feasibility of our country ' s current laws and regulations , it is concluded that our country ' s safeguard housing fund should adopt the conclusion of the company type RES.The present chapter provides the financial basis for the development of the safeguard housing fund through the concrete case and data calculation . In addition , this chapter tries to set up the system norm of the investment of the guarantee housing fund , restrict the investment direction of the fund raised and the premise of enjoying the preferential tax benefit , and the minimum project holding period , etc . , and regulate the operation of the safeguard housing fund . The sixth chapter puts forward the policy suggestion on the institutional obstacles to the development of safeguard housing in China . On the one hand , China should strengthen the legislation of standardized assets and trust assets , so that the innovative financial products should be further refined and perfected . On the other hand , it is necessary to further clarify and perfect the land property rights system related to the foundation of the safeguard housing fund , so as to strengthen the cultivation of the investment market and qualified investors , strengthen the construction from the market investment consciousness and talents , so as to cultivate the molded secure housing fund market . The establishment of the affordable housing fund , whether from the government , the affordable housing , the capital market or the investor ' s angle , is a meaningful measure . The establishment of the guarantee housing trust fund can not only solve the current large - scale construction safeguard housing market , perfect the guarantee housing system , but also form a long - term and healthy guarantee housing operation mode , and try to test and promote the innovation equity financing arrangement and the transformation of the real estate enterprise operation mode in our country .
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