本文关键词:上市公司不同扭亏方式的经济后果研究 出处:《沈阳工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 扭亏方式 市场反应 累计异常报酬率 未来业绩 每股收益
[Abstract]:Since the financial crisis in 2008, the world economy has been in the doldrums, the economic growth rate of our country has slowed down, the competition among enterprises has intensified and so on many reasons lead to the company operating situation is not optimistic. The number of loss-making listed companies has been increasing year after year. The listed companies are forced to withdraw from the market and other reasons will actively take various measures to reverse the losses after losses. The common way to turn losses is to improve management and strengthen internal management. Or seek reorganization, dispose of idle assets and seek the help of the government. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the consequences of different turnround methods. This paper studies the influence of different sustained turnaround ways on the market reaction and future performance of the company in order to provide a reference for the choice of the loss-making company's turnaround mode. It is also convenient for investors and regulators to identify the true role of different ways of turning losses and provide the basis for investors to make decisions. The paper adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis with empirical analysis. The theory part defines the concept of the mode of turnaround and the economic consequences. The theoretical basis of resource dependence theory is expounded. From the perspective of earnings sustainability, this paper analyzes the impact of sustained and unsustainable turnaround on the market response and future business performance of the company. The empirical analysis of the first part of the listed companies to examine the current situation of turnaround. Through the statistics of the turnaround mode disclosed by 367 companies that issued the forecast of turnaround performance in 2011-2013, it is found that the company tends to increase its profit in a short period of time by adopting a variety of turnaround methods when it is making a loss. In order to achieve a turnaround. The paper uses the mean test and multiple linear regression method to test the market response of different sustained turnaround methods to the company's performance forecast and the difference of the future performance. The study found that the market response of listed companies with only persistent turnaround in a short period of time after earnings announcement was significantly larger than that of non-persistent turnaround. The sustained turnaround has a significant positive impact on the market response to earnings announcement; 2) the operating performance of the listed companies which only adopt the mode of continuous turnaround in the following year is significantly higher than that of the companies adopting the mode of unsustainable turnaround. Sustained turnaround has a significant positive impact on the company's next year's performance. 3). At the same time, there is no significant difference in the market reaction and future performance between the companies using the two types of turnaround mode and the companies only adopting unsustainable turnaround mode. That is, sales improvement, internal management and other sustained ways of turnaround are very limited, the analysis of the main reasons for the management of turnaround companies in the disclosure of the reasons for performance improvement has a self-profit attribution tendency. Based on the conclusions of the study. The paper suggests that investors should strengthen the analysis of the continuity of the turnaround mode while paying close attention to whether the loss-making companies are turning losses, and suggest that the regulators should introduce relevant regulations to regulate the disclosure of the reasons for the changes in the performance of listed companies. And to the company that fails to disclose truthfully take punishment measure.
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