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发布时间:2018-09-18 06:48
【摘要】:商品房住宅的营销策略是一项复杂浩大的综合性工程,因为它涉及项目的调研、选址、住宅产品设计等方方面面,是影响商品房住宅市场发展的重要因素,是调节开发商经营与发展、促进房地产业发展壮大的有力武器。因此,商品房住宅营销策略的有效制定,不仅有利于房地产开发商确立在市场中的主导地位,也有利于促进我国房地产业的健康稳定快速发展。国内对房地产住宅市场的研究主要集中于宏观层面的政策研究,而在微观层面例如基于消费者需求的研究很少。本文以分析消费者购房行为的影响因素为基础,试对沈阳市商品房住宅市场的消费者购房行为进行研究,并从中发现问题,解决问题,,进而为房地产企业提出有效的营销策略。 本文在介绍论文研究背景和国内外研究综述的基础上,结合商品房住宅营销的相关理论,总结了房地产企业在营销策略制定过程中存在的主要问题,分析了影响消费者购房行为的政府政策因素,消费者个体特征因素,消费者经济能力因素和住宅产品特征因素、房地产开发商因素。根据沈阳市浑南某住宅项目的营销情况,通过在售楼现场发放调查问卷,通过问卷的方式获得了比较丰富的消费者购买行为的相关信息,并运用SPSS统计分析软件对问卷数据进行整理、统计和分析,为沈阳市商品房住宅的市场营销策略提供参考,并依此提出了营销策略的相关建议,以强化房地产开发企业与消费者之间的交流和了解。使房地产开发商在制定营销策略的过程中以消费者需求为中心,做好市场调研和整体规划,使制定的营销策略具有针对性和有效性,设计的住宅产品更能满足消费者的需求,获得消费者的欢迎和喜爱,从而提高房地产企业的市场占有率并取得良好的经济效益进而促进房地企业自身的发展。
[Abstract]:The marketing strategy of commercial housing is a complex and comprehensive project, because it involves all aspects of project investigation, location selection, housing product design and so on. It is an important factor affecting the development of commercial housing market. It is a powerful weapon to regulate the management and development of developers and promote the development of the real estate industry. Therefore, the effective formulation of commercial housing marketing strategy is not only conducive to the establishment of the leading position of real estate developers in the market, but also conducive to the healthy and stable development of the real estate industry in China. The domestic research on the real estate housing market is mainly focused on the macro level of policy research, but on the micro level, such as based on consumer demand, there is little research. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of the consumer's purchase behavior, this paper tries to study the consumer's purchase behavior of the commercial housing market in Shenyang, and find out the problems, solve the problems, and then put forward the effective marketing strategy for the real estate enterprises. On the basis of introducing the research background of the thesis and the domestic and foreign research summary, this paper summarizes the main problems existing in the marketing strategy making process of the real estate enterprise, combining with the relevant theories of the commercial housing marketing. This paper analyzes the government policy factors, consumer individual characteristics, consumer economic ability, residential product characteristics and real estate developers. According to the marketing situation of a residential project in Hunnan, Shenyang, through the distribution of questionnaires on the spot, through the way of questionnaire to obtain a relatively rich consumer purchase behavior related information. And using SPSS statistical analysis software to collate, statistics and analysis of the questionnaire data, to provide a reference for the Shenyang commercial housing marketing strategy, and then put forward the relevant suggestions of marketing strategy. In order to strengthen real estate development enterprises and consumers between the exchange and understanding. In the process of making the marketing strategy, the real estate developers should take consumer demand as the center, do market research and overall planning well, make the marketing strategy have pertinence and effectiveness, and design the residential products to meet the needs of consumers. In order to increase the market share of the real estate enterprises and obtain good economic benefits, it can promote the development of the real estate enterprises.


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