[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1990, the development of the stock exchange in less than 30 years has played a great role in promoting the reform of China's economy and state-owned enterprises. The capital market of the western developed countries has been developed and perfected for more than three hundred years, but the rapid development of our country in a short period of time has brought about the economic development and exposed a lot of problems. Among them, corporate governance has gradually become the focus of attention of domestic and foreign scholars in recent years, and it is also an urgent need to improve our listed companies and our legal system. Based on the comprehensive arrangement of delisting enterprises in China, this paper studies the corporate governance structure of Chinese listed companies in order to analyze the influence of corporate governance structure on the delisting of listed enterprises. At first, this paper expounds the literature about delisting and corporate governance structure at home and abroad, and analyzes the relationship between delisting and corporate governance structure from the two aspects of case study and intermediate index of delisting enterprises. Secondly, the development of China's delisting system, the characteristics of 47 delisting enterprises and the mode and present situation of corporate governance structure are introduced, which lays a foundation for the empirical analysis below. Thirdly, empirical research design is carried out. From four aspects of board characteristics, board of supervisors characteristics, equity characteristics and external audit institutions, this paper puts forward the hypothesis, and constructs a univariate analysis model and a multivariate analysis model. In the multivariate analysis model, the probit binary selection model is used to carry out qualitative analysis. By selecting 36 listed companies as the control samples of 36 delisted companies, this paper makes an empirical study on the corporate governance structure of the delisting of listed companies in China. The results show that: (1) among the factors of corporate governance structure considered in this paper, the external directors, chairman and general manager hold the same positions, the proportion of the largest shareholders holding shares, The proportion of state holding and the number of external audit institutions have a significant impact on the probability of delisting of listed companies. (2) the number of board meetings per year, The second to the tenth shareholder's shareholding ratio and the overseas stock holding situation also have the influence to the listed company's management, but not remarkable. (3) the board of directors and the supervisory board of our country listed company, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises, are more perfect in form. But in the actual management has not played the proper management, the supervisory function. Therefore, under the current situation of our country, the securities supervision department, the listed company and the investor should make full use of the significant influence factors of the corporate governance structure. The relevant departments should further improve the relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the supervision of the listed companies, and the listed companies and investors should also pay more attention to the corporate governance structure, and gradually improve, for example, the board of directors, The board of supervisors is merely a defect of corporate governance structure, which can reduce the risk of delisting of listed companies, protect the interests of investors and ensure the long-term and stable development of listed companies.
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