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发布时间:2018-02-21 14:14

  本文关键词: 供应商管理 全生命周期管理 供应商战略 供货风险考核 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:FAW-VW has faced tremendous pressure in recent years from high output growth and cost reduction, with more than 700 component suppliers and more than 2, 000 general materials suppliers. In the face of the upcoming 2020, in order to fully realize the company's "2020 Strategy," Through the optimization and improvement of supplier management methods to help FAW-VW continue to optimize the management costs, This paper takes the method of combining theoretical research with practical research to analyze and compare the purchase models of Toyota, Volkswagen and general automobile manufacturers. This paper analyzes and discusses the problems existing in FAW-VW supplier management one by one, and deeply analyzes the causes of the problems. Secondly, in the exploration of supplier management, we apply the theory of strategic management and the practice of comprehensive management. The optimization scheme is put forward: one is to optimize the current organizational structure and to optimize the functions of each department, the other is to establish a unified system management platform. The third is to carry out the whole life cycle management of suppliers for purchasing parts and general materials, and the fourth is to increase the assessment of supplier supply risks. Finally, it is proposed that in order to ensure the implementation of the optimization program, personnel should be guaranteed separately. This paper aims at FAW-VW 's supplier management situation. The two aspects of component supplier management and general material supplier management are studied separately. For FAW-VW, the scale of general material supplier management is already very large. The original simple model can no longer adapt to the current development and change. Therefore, the management mechanism of the whole life cycle of the supplier should be established, that is, the supplier management is no longer a pure evaluation. Judging good or bad from experience, but from supplier access, daily management of suppliers, supplier comprehensive evaluation, supplier promotion, supplier elimination and other aspects of management and tracking, thereby improving the effectiveness of supplier management. It is also clear that the realization of purchasing strategy needs perfect organizational structure and personnel support, and perfect information system to analyze and summarize the data. At the same time, in the face of the increasingly complex market environment, the supplier should establish the corresponding risk assessment mechanism. The whole life cycle procurement management is based on the existing FAW-VW supplier management method, discusses how to carry out the supplier management scientifically. To achieve the short-term and long-term goals of procurement. This set of methods not only for FAW-VW but also for the peer reference.


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