本文选题:O2O模式 切入点:顾客满意度 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Because of its own characteristics, fresh e-commerce industry has been faced with a huge market potential but difficult profit situation. In this case, since 2014, a large influx of capital, fresh e-commerce began to explore the development model of O2O. But in 2016, the e-commerce industry, once regarded as the O2O start-up Blue Sea, began to show fatigue, with many businesses facing a situation of low orders and low profits. In this paper, the influencing factors of customer satisfaction of fresh e-commerce company S under O _ 2O mode were studied. There is a clear direction for the further development of customer satisfaction in S Company. The fresh and fresh e-commerce enterprises under the mode of .O _ 2O are still in the exploratory stage. This paper attempts to combine the characteristics of S Company with the previous research. Through the analysis, the factors influencing customer satisfaction of S company are divided into four dimensions: perceived online quality, perceived offline quality, perceived value and customer expectation. The theoretical model of this paper is constructed by using ACSI model as reference. At the same time, the questionnaire of this paper is designed and distributed with reference to the domestic and foreign mature satisfaction evaluation index system. The data collected are analyzed by SPSS21.0 and AMOS21.0 software. Reliability and validity analysis, model fitting analysis and standardized path coefficient analysis. The results show that the two latent variables below perception line quality and perceived value are significantly positive correlation with customer satisfaction, customer expectations and customer satisfaction are significantly negative correlation. In addition, web page design, operation process, convenience, commodity information reliability, price and other explicit variables, such as web page design, operation process, convenience, commodity information reliability, price, etc. The influence coefficient of latent variables is great. In this study, the perceived quality is divided into two aspects: perceived quality and perceived quality, taking the O2O model as an example. The influence coefficients between the latent variables and the corresponding explicit variables are obtained by the structural equation, and then, based on the results, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward, among which, the convenience in the quality under the customer perception line is affected. Combined with the actual situation of S Company, this paper creatively proposes that enterprises can be improved by setting up self-carrying cabinets and setting up simple self-lifting points. It has certain reference value and guiding significance to the start-up type fresh electricity business such as S Company.
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