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发布时间:2018-03-20 20:39

  本文选题:服务营销 切入点:营销管理 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since 1880s, the development of educational and training institutions in China has accelerated gradually. However, due to the lack of outstanding core competitiveness, the phenomenon of following the trend is relatively serious, the scale of enterprises is relatively small, and the marketing management model is obsolete. There are many problems in our country's training institutions because of the powerful impact of foreign well-known and mature training industries. Henan Schindler Educational Information Consulting Co., Ltd., combined with famous colleges and universities in Henan Province and excellent teachers' resources, For social workers and college students to improve their academic qualifications, to help them improve their professional qualifications to enhance the competitiveness of the workplace, students to provide the form of distance education, self-examination, The internal and external environment that Henan Schindler Educational Information Consulting Co., Ltd. faces: the external environment is the stage of the rapid development of educational and training institutions; the internal environment is the period when the company moves from the newly established educational training institution to the entrepreneurial period. In addition, the development direction of the company is not clear, the marketing strategy is not clear, and the management flexibility is not enough. This article takes Henan Schindler Education Consulting Co., Ltd as the research object to collect and comb the marketing strategy of Henan Schindler Education Consulting Co., Ltd. On the basis of reading a lot of literature and many field investigations, combining the knowledge of EMBA curriculum theory, enterprise management, risk theory, and reviewing the whole process of the marketing strategy previously implemented by Henan Schindler Education Consulting Co., Ltd. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of marketing strategies used in the operation of the company, and puts forward the problems of the marketing strategies, and combines the innovative marketing strategies based on the Internet as the platform, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the marketing strategies used in the operation of the company. To provide strong impetus for the development of the company, but also for the relevant education industry to provide reference information for Henan education consulting and training market fresh blood and positive energy.


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