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发布时间:2018-03-23 06:23

  本文选题:高技术产业 切入点:投入产出 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:High technology industry has the characteristics of high technology content, high human capital and high growth, and has a strong correlation effect with the development of national economy. China has taken important measures to promote the development of high technology industry. The government has also implemented a large amount of financial subsidies to high-tech industries from the perspective of R D activities to promote the development of high-tech industries. However, the development of high-tech industries in Henan Province is still relatively backward. Traditional industries still occupy a large proportion in Henan Province. The development status of high-tech industries in Henan Province is studied and compared with the development of the national high-tech industries as a whole. In particular, the current situation of R D activities in high-tech industries in Henan Province and the impact of government financial subsidies and preferential taxation policies on the development of high-tech industries, and the effective measures taken to promote the development of high-tech industries in Henan Province, are discussed. It is of great significance to narrow the economic gap with the developed provinces. Firstly, based on the input-output tables of the sixth National Economic Census and Henan Province, the national economic sectors are divided into agriculture, construction, traditional manufacturing, traditional services, and so on. The input-output situation of the high-tech manufacturing industry and the high-tech service industry in the whole country and Henan Province, The industrial correlation and ripple effect of high-tech industry and other industries are compared and analyzed. The high-tech industry is divided into pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, aerospace manufacturing industry, electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry, and then the high-tech industry is divided into pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, aerospace manufacturing industry, electronic and communications equipment manufacturing industry, This paper analyzes the basic situation of input and output of R D in various industries and compares it with the whole country, and constructs a DEA-Tobit model to measure the R D efficiency of high-tech industries in Henan Province. Empirical analysis of the impact of government financial subsidies and tax preferences on R D efficiency in high-tech industries, The paper also analyzes the factors influencing the effect of the government financial subsidy and preferential tax policy. The results show that the driving capacity of the high-tech industry to the upstream industry in Henan Province is slightly lower, but it has a higher value-added rate than that of the national high-tech industry. And the intermediate demand rate and intermediate input rate of high-tech manufacturing industry are higher than that of high-tech service industry. High-tech manufacturing industry has greater driving power to traditional manufacturing industry, and high-tech service industry has greater driving power to traditional service industry. The high-tech service industry has a stronger driving power to the high-tech manufacturing industry. The development of the high-tech industry has a higher impact on other sectors than the social average, and the sensitivity coefficient of the high-tech industry is lower than the social average. Among them, the influence coefficient and sensitivity coefficient of high-tech manufacturing industry are higher than that of high-tech service industry. The scale of R D input and output of computer and office equipment manufacturing, medical equipment and instrument manufacturing is large, and other industries are relatively small. There are some differences in R D efficiency among different industries. However, the difference is small. The overall efficiency of R & D activities in high-tech industries is on the rise, and the overall efficiency of market transformation is declining. The financial subsidy policy has not effectively promoted the R D efficiency of high-tech industry, while the tax preferential policy can effectively enhance the R D efficiency of high-tech industry. And the R D personnel of high-tech enterprises will invest R D capital and the scale of enterprises will affect the effects of financial subsidies and preferential tax policies to varying degrees.


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