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发布时间:2018-03-24 06:24

  本文选题:网络模型 切入点:企业网络 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the context of economic globalization, information and industrialization, enterprises as a new carrier of inter-city ties promote closer ties between cities. As an important tool of urban planning and regional policy, urban network has become a hot topic in urban geography. The study of urban network from the enterprise perspective has also become a new direction in the research of regional spatial organization. Firstly, this paper reviews other scholars' theories and models of enterprise-urban network research, and establishes a eclectic network model. On the basis of the information data of headquarters-branch of Chinese enterprises in the Fortune 500 in 2015, the enterprise database is established, and the traditional statistical analysis method and the network analysis method are used to visualize the expression of GIS from the whole industry. This paper studies the urban cyberspace organization on the scale of national and typical urban agglomeration from two angles of industry. The conclusion is as follows: 1) Beijing is absolutely central in the national urban network, and "star" network structure. Highlight. From Beijing to Shanghai, The links among Guangzhou, Xi'an, and Chengdu are the backbone network of our country's urban network, which constitutes the basic framework of our country's urban network.) the overall scale of the national urban network is large, the connectivity between cities is low, the node development is unbalanced, and the political center is prominent. The characteristics of single core polarization are obvious, the network development is not perfect, and the hierarchical structure is not bright. The core node city plays a strong role in cyberspace centralization and regional difference, and the characteristics of single core polarization are significant, the network development is not perfect, and the hierarchical structure is not distinct. There are great differences in urban status and network among industries, poor connectivity among nodes, differentiation in center pointing. The backbone network of network spatial structure is prominent, the "star" and "triangle" structure coexist, and the degree of "small group" is weak. The spatial structure has a strong unipolar tendency. (4) each node city of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration has strong connectivity, the node development is more balanced, the characteristics of Beijing-Tianjin "one main and one pair" are obvious, the concentric and connectivity of each node city of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration are similar, In the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the connectivity of each node is weak, showing the network characteristic of "three feet", the city nodes of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration have strong concentric directivity and low connectivity, and the characteristics of "double core" are obvious. Each node of Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration has high connectivity, weak concentric, and obvious multi-center characteristics. The development of the five urban agglomeration networks is closely related to the development characteristics of the region itself, and the difference is great, and the structure of "small group" is prominent. The spatial structure has a strong unipolar tendency, The single axial connection between cities with core nodes is still an important link axis in the network.) from the perspective of enterprises, urban networks in China have formed different spatial organization models in different industries and urban agglomerations. From the perspective of different industries, mining industry, mining industry, mining, urban agglomeration, mining, mining, urban agglomeration, urban agglomeration and urban agglomeration. Manufacturing, power supply, architecture can be summed up as a hierarchical imperfect multi-center model; finance is a distinct level of centripetal dual-core model; comprehensive class belongs to a hierarchical distinct multi-center model. From the urban agglomeration level, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration has formed a single-core integration model; the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration is a multi-center integration model; Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration is a dual-core polarization model; the middle reaches of the Yangtze River urban agglomeration is a multi-center polarization model.


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