本文选题:OO 切入点:需求迁移 出处:《中国管理科学》2017年11期
[Abstract]:In the emerging e-commerce environment, online and offline service levels often affect their respective customer needs, This paper considers that the customer demand in the supply chain O2O system is affected by the online and offline services, and establishes two cases of customer demand migration and non-migration, respectively. The centralized service decision model for the offline store is the self-owned brand store, and the decentralized service decision model for the offline store is the brand store, and the optimal service level for maximizing the profit of the O2O system under the centralized decision is calculated. And the optimal service level and the necessary conditions for the brand and offline franchisees to reach the Nash equilibrium under the decentralized decision making. The results of the model are verified and analyzed by the example simulation. The research results show that, under the centralized decision-making, If and only when the online or offline parties provide services, the profit of the supply chain O _ 2O system can be optimized under the circumstances of demand migration or non-migration; when both online and offline services are provided, Only in the case of no migration of demand can the optimal condition of O2O system be reached. In decentralized decision making, when the service is provided unilaterally, online or offline, and both parties provide the service, if certain conditions are satisfied, There are always Nash equilibrium solutions in the case of requirement non-migration and demand migration.
【作者单位】: 东华大学旭日工商管理学院;
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