本文选题:循环经济 切入点:发展战略 出处:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Circular economy development is a special measure to practice the scientific development view, speed up the adjustment of industrial structure, promote poverty alleviation, increase farmers' income, and transform and upgrade enterprises.Jinchuan Company is the first batch of pilot units in the development of circular economy in the country and a key enterprise in the development of circular economy in Gansu Province. After the publication of the General Plan for Circular economy in Gansu Province, Jinchuan Company followed the contents of the plan.To develop recycling economy of non-ferrous metal industry, to build industry chain of metallurgy, comprehensive utilization of resources, metallurgical chemical industry and new materials, mining and smelting of non-ferrous metals, deep processing, regeneration and reprocessing, etc., around the circular transformation of the park,Construction of new non-ferrous metals recycling economic base.Since the implementation of circular economy, enterprises' dependence on energy and resources has been gradually reduced, the carrying capacity of resources and environment has been effectively improved, and the contradiction between resources and environment and economic development has been effectively alleviated.Has the strength to promote the Jinchuan company transformation and upgrade confidence.According to the current situation of non-ferrous metal industry and Jinchuan Company, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the development of circular economy of Jinchuan Company by using SWOT analysis method.According to the general plan of circular economy of Gansu Province, the evaluation index is taken as the index, and the strategy of strategic development is the comprehensive utilization of resources of Jinchuan Company, the extension of industrial chain, the reduction of energy and carbon, the innovation of science and technology, the introduction of talents, the construction of system, etc.Empirical analysis of the impact of these strategies on each other and the size of the impact on the development of the company.According to the influence relationship between them and the influence of these strategies on the development of the company, this paper puts forward the circular economy development strategy which is in line with the actual situation of Jinchuan Company.
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