本文选题:生产信息化 切入点:油气田 出处:《天然气工业》2017年11期
[Abstract]:In order to realize the quality, benefit and sustainable development, the wells and stations of the gas fields in the east of Sichuan Basin are mostly distributed in the mountainous areas, with a wide range of points, highly dispersed points, high management costs, poor information sharing and other production management bottlenecks.Since 2012, Chongqing Gas Mine of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company has adopted "demonstration scale" method to carry out gas field informatization construction.Through information construction and application, five functions are realized, such as real-time monitoring of production data, remote control of key valves, remote control of safety risks, dynamic system analysis of production, and effective application of real-time data.The multi-level control mode is changed into the centralized control mode of rear production command center, that is, "three-level control" and "four-level management" mode.The practical results show that the daily manual inspection of the wells, the work of repeated machinery such as taking data, adding medicament and so on, has been centralized monitored by the central control room, and the electronic inspection wells in the well station and the bubble row have been replaced by remote automatic injection.It reduces the frequency of inspection in unattended well stations and improves the working efficiency. The application of information functions such as real-time display of production data, warning of key parameters and event recording, video monitoring and so on, can be timely and accurate.Continuously grasp the dynamic of the production site, realize the automatic continuous monitoring of the production site, ensure the safety of personnel and equipment and the continuous and stable operation of production.The conclusion is that the implementation of production informatization plays an important role in transforming the gas ore production mode, optimizing labor organization, improving production efficiency and reducing safety risks.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学电气信息学院;中国石油西南油气田公司重庆气矿;
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