本文选题:车间现场管理 + 平台化 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of 2025 and 4. 0 of Chinese manufacture and industry, the manufacture and management of automobile electronic products are faced with severe requirements and tests. How to improve the production efficiency, ensure the production quality, manage meticulously, standardize the operation, these problems are the common problem that every electronic manufacturing enterprise faces. Lean production and site management play an indispensable role. CA, as a supplier of automotive electronic parts, faces similar challenges as other companies, such as increased human costs. The maturity and perfection of domestic automobile market bring higher customer demand, customized production and order demand of a variety of small batches, requiring rapid response to market changes and order fluctuations, as well as more and more stringent quality objectives. As a foreign-funded enterprise, the company vigorously promoted lean production in 2007, after more than 10 years of development and accumulation, has made certain progress and achievements. However, with the further development of the company, the entry of new people and the aggravation of the competition in the industry, how to deepen lean production and improve the field management of lean tools and workshops is a new subject that enterprises are facing at present. This paper is based on the optimization method, train of thought and implementation process of lean production management of CA Company. According to the current situation of CA Company, the existing problems are analyzed, the opportunities of promotion are identified, and the management optimization is carried out to achieve continuous improvement. In the process of optimizing lean production to achieve continuous improvement, the only constant is change. This change resolves the many aspects of the situation of CA Company. First, the layout of the production workshop is optimized and improved. Through the analysis and calculation of the material flow, the material flow of the production line is guaranteed to flow completely, the non-value-added action is reduced, and the quantity of the in-process products is reduced. Second: through the control and improvement of production orders, the waste of operators and equipment is reduced to the greatest extent, and the scientific connection between front and back lines of production is made, so as to ensure that all products produced by the front line can be consumed by the rear line in the first time. Three: leveling the application of production to ensure the overall production of liquidity, referring to the three production systems, establish its own production model. Four: the establishment of the platform production line to meet customer flexible order requirements, in the early stage of the project for real production considerations, to find the time, investment, quality and lean balance point. Through the implementation of the above improvement scheme in CA Company, the scientific and standardized degree of on-site management of CA Company has been improved, and the lean production level and work efficiency of CA Company have been improved accordingly, so CA Company has improved its core competitiveness in the industry. This paper has some reference significance for the continuous improvement of lean production management in the same industry and even the general manufacturing industry in terms of problem-solving methods and problem-solving ideas.
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