[Abstract]:In the era of rapid development of information, talent has become the core competitiveness of enterprises. GF Company is a high-tech enterprise in the field of radio and television. Talent is more critical to it and becomes the lifeblood of the survival and development of enterprises. But at present, the development of GF Company is slow. Even in the state of decline, the staff is also extremely unstable, the rate of loss of departments is high, and the staff work enthusiasm is low, work efficiency is slow, so that the whole enterprise has no vitality and vitality. At this time, the enterprise human resource management becomes the most important, how to motivate the staff, thus to stabilize the staff and improve their enthusiasm becomes the urgent problem that GF company needs to solve. This paper investigates the satisfaction of grass-roots employees in four main departments of GF (R & D, sales, technical support and production) to the incentive elements of each dimension. The paper uses the literature method, questionnaire interview method, quantitative analysis method. By using Maslow's hierarchy of demand theory, Alderford's ERG theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory and McLeland's theory of achievement demand, this paper analyzes the influence of individual differences on the satisfaction of incentive factors in all dimensions. This paper excavates the demand characteristics of different employees and the state in which the demand is in, and systematically analyzes the reasons for the lack of motivation in GF Company. On the basis of this, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. Through the investigation and research in this paper, it is concluded that there are significant differences between the employees of different individual differences in GF company on the incentive factors of each dimension, and the employees of different ages have significant differences in the satisfaction of salary, welfare and individual development dimensions. The effect of age on salary and welfare is positive correlation, with the increase of age, the satisfaction of salary and welfare is higher and higher. Employees with different degrees of education have significant differences in the satisfaction of salary benefits, personal development and enterprise development, and the degree of education has a positive correlation with the satisfaction of salary and welfare. However, the degree of education is negatively related to the satisfaction of individual development and enterprise development. Employees with different working years are significantly different in terms of salary benefits, respect and recognition of others, and positive correlation between working years and salary and welfare dimensions. For employees with different working nature, there are significant differences in four dimensions: salary and welfare, work relationship, respect and recognition of others and leadership quality. According to the difference of satisfaction degree of incentive factors in different dimensions caused by individual differences of employees, the incentive problems existing in GF Company are obtained, and the causes of incentive problems are analyzed, and the relevant optimization measures are put forward.
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