[Abstract]:The construction and cultivation of the ecological system of urban innovation and entrepreneurship plays a vital role in stimulating the national economic vitality and promoting the long-term healthy development of the national economy. The urban innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in various countries in the world are not the same, and the governments of developed countries such as Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other developed countries attach great importance to the integration of innovative entrepreneurial resources, especially the cities. Through the comparison and analysis of the main characteristics and experiences of the construction of the ecological system of the urban innovation and entrepreneurship in the four developed countries, this paper provides a reference for China on the basis of its own national conditions. The inspiration is to strengthen the government service function and build a good fund branch. To build an effective system of incubating service, to promote the cluster of innovative enterprises, to build the living environment of the livable city, to cultivate innovative talents and to establish an advanced and open scientific research system.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院;
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